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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. 00 buck and slugs, yeah will stop someone more than likely. Birdshot, probably not. By your thoughts, I should load my .40 with those little bird shot bullets, whatever they are called, followed by JHP. Why even put one round of birdshot in there then if your just gonna follow it with 00 and slugs? Just like LE and military aren't gonna load birdshot in their shotguns either.
  2. ah, I only half read all your guys' posts, my bad. I'm just here for the popcorn.
  3. It's okay to have a big truck if you want it but not okay to have ABS if you want it?
  4. Yeah, and if someone is hopped up on some illegal drug that makes them feel like superman, what do you think that bird shot is gonna do? Check out excited delirium. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qCqjuqEWEc
  5. Screw that. I'd rather not waste my time with a round that might work. I'm going to load something I know will work because chances are better that bird shot won't stop a threat, like was said ask Cheney. I can see loading both 00 and slugs, but not bird. I don't see having birdshot as self defense an option, I see it as a insufficient load. And by loading birdshot, I see that as a wasted shot and spot in the gun. But to each their own.
  6. I really like those Z92s. I've always been a Chevy guy and have never had too many issues with my vehicles. All manufactures have issues, it all has to do with what you like and what you're willing to deal with. Having worked as a mechanic, I know what goes into fixing Fords, Chevys, Toyotas, etc and I'd rather be fixing a Chevy than Ford. (Yes, Fords break too) That being said, I commend Ford on not taking the bailouts and it pisses me off the GM did.
  7. This may come as a surprise to those of you not living in las vegas , but there are more catholic churches than casinos. Not surprisingly, some worshipers at sunday services will give casino chips rather than cash when the basket is passed. Since they get chips from many different casinos, the churches have devised a method to collect the offerings. The churches send all their collected chips to a nearby franciscan monastery for sorting and then the chips are taken to the casinos of origin and cashed in. This is done by the chip monks.
  8. I have only been to the Hoggy's on Gahanna. It's okay, not my favorite place to eat. I don't know about the others, but they have a farm tractor hanging from the ceiling. Took my 87 y/o grandma there once and we had to move tables because she was paranoid the tractor was gonna fall. lol
  9. Not taking a chance with bird shot. There is a reason you hunt birds and small game with bird shot and not bigger animals like deer. I keep 00 buck in my 870 along with more 00 buck and slugs nearby. If that doesn't work I grab the AT4.
  10. I'll DL Convo and see how it works. Even when I zoom, I still can't hit certain buttons, like trying to get into PM's. I finally got in and just created a bookmark so I can just click on it to get in. You don't need to worry about that.
  11. can I block the guns section? ya'll is crazy rednecks
  12. I have that many in my basement.
  13. LJWalter is trying to be the next grave digger!
  14. You gonna take pictures of zombies? Lol
  15. I'm not so much worried about an app but it'd be nice to have a mobile site. I have issues hitting certain buttons like PM's and can't comment on rep.
  16. Why don't you just move to a nice neighborhood where you don't need to worry about people breaking in?
  17. Even though I find it disgusting when people jack the song up, like Rosanne grabbing het crotch, or people not standing, removing headgear and shutting the hell up, i think this proposal is ridiculous. We have bigger issues to worry about. Just line protesting a soldier's funeral is despicable, they have the freedom to do so and that right should not be infringed.
  18. I just lol'd imagining you saying "BITCHES BE CRAZY"
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