I love when she does the video scenario and she draws and stands still. It doesn't matter how fast you are, you will never outdraw on a bad guy. Her "scenario" proves nothing other than that she will increase the likelihood of getting shot while she stands out in the open. The CHL classes are not nearly enough training for a critical incident. The only thing they usually teach you is the rules and to make sure you can put rounds on a person sized target at 21 or so feet. You need to understand and experience tunnel vision, loss of fine motor skills, flight mode, paying attention to what's behind the threat (innocent bystanders), dealing with the noise of screams and firing, searching for cover and concealment, etc. Even the guy that had firearms training couldn't think about finding a spot of cover and to engage the threat at the same time. Having a piece of plastic or paper in your wallet doesn't mean you're gonna be worth a damn when shit hits the fan if you don't train first.