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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. You're in the wrong field of work if that's what you want...:sexytime:
  2. Experimenting with manually holding the shutter open. I think it was an ambulance that drove by. My 4 year old daughter with my little sister this past Easter hunting for eggs.
  3. Just watch the "Wrong Turn" movies. That should help you out with preparing somewhat. ( I think nuclear testing played a part in those movies, that and inbreeding)
  4. Glad to have most of our troops out. Now let's see if they can hold their own country...I'm curious as to how different the bases are now than how I remember them...
  5. wowwhatthehelliswrongwithyoupeople?
  6. Post up some links for survival type stuff; food, gear, articles, blogs, etc. I know there's quite of few here that are pretty into being prepared, camping and of course the coming zombie apocalypse. Need to a good thread to share information resources. http://www.murs-radio.com/ http://www.cheaperthandirt.com http://beprepared.com http://www.survivalblog.com/ http://www.militaryclothing.com http://www.survival-tactics.net/ http://www.radioreference.com http://survivalcache.com/ http://www.survivaltopics.com/
  7. Next thing will be a briefcase left in Grand Central Station. I mean it's just someone's briefcase. Poor guy forgot it now they want to blow it up.
  8. Ohio CHL has nothing to do with long guns. You cannot have a loaded long gun in the car at any time. ORC2923.16
  9. blue heeler/yellow lab, about 7 weeks old.
  10. Well that's not a very nice welcome.
  11. I'll take your word for it as I'm not familiar with the different types of batteries, just never had issues letting them go near dead and not sitting on the charger.
  12. Yeah it's quite funny you're knowledge of law, more than most born and bred Americans. There are a few cops on here, probably more than most realize. I wanna see you get tazed, that video should make you a lot of money!
  13. I have seen reverse on everything of mine. If I keep something charged up or start charging before it's really low, battery life ends up sucking. Computers, cell phones, power tools, etc. My dremel I used to keep on the charger after each use. Battery lasted a couple months now I am lucky to get 7 minutes run timeout of it. My computer I let the battery run down, recharge, then repeat. Computer is 2-3 years old and still has decent run time. Just my experience.
  14. It's people like you that give police a bad name!
  15. They're so cute! Someone here wants one!
  16. I really need to make some epic youtube vids
  17. That's one of my pet peeves, people that get animals, especially dogs, and don't give them the attention they need.
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