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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Fire wrench. Hmmm.....interesting concept...
  2. It was Clinton's fault in part for how he handled Mogadishu. OBL called us paper tigers because we withdrew so quickly and wouldn't stand and fight.
  3. Yeah, the cat one was funny. Kind of weird coming across this thread becuase a couple of hours my 4 year old was talking about flying fish. Not sure where she got the idea...
  4. I came across that video about 2 weeks ago, then saw who posted it. I got a kick out of it. Where's my share of the check, Scruit?
  5. I think Jporter's had a gap but he was able to tighten it down IIRC
  6. cool. I had to look it up cause I hadn't heard of that model. Here's one that I just took few minutes ago.
  7. btw this is popcorn I bought, not with money from the gov't
  8. lol, how long would it take to go through 1000 (000 to 999) possibilities? The guy would pry the box open before that. lol
  9. agreed. which is how many people? just because you think you have to be over .08 to not be able to walk, doesn't mean that's the case. a texting ban is considered because there are so many people that text and drive and the accidents cause by it are enough to pop a red flag. OVI wasn't always illegal until it drew attention as being a big issue. If more people had accidents reading the newspaper, I'm sure we'd be considering a ban on reading and driving.
  10. .02, .08, .2, it depends on the person and how they handle alcohol. and how many people have you see wreck and then you saw their BAC? You can't go off the "news", you'll only see the bad ones where the guy was a high limit. You're not gonna hear much about the guy that wrecked at .02. Yes, people wreck at .02 and don't wreck at .2
  11. oh, and I'll add you can be cited under 4511.19 anywhere in the state. Yes the means even if you are riding your lawnmower on your own property drunk, crash into a tree and medics are called, you'll be charged. Before tbut takes offense, it was just a comment in general.
  12. Casper- understandable. not me though, I don't forget combos very easily and I'd rather not have to hunt for a key before I can open the box in an emergency. Of course that is saying there is something locked in the box and not on my person.
  13. and you could easily not drink in the first place, or sober up or get a DD. As to your second part, there are already laws for wreckless or wanton disregard for doing dumb stuff. yes but the law is also "driving while intoxicated" no limit needed. If you are blasted at .02, you will be cited for OVI. if you are totally "good" at .08, you will be cited for OVI. ORC 5411.19
  14. just FYI, they make a combo version, no key to lose.
  15. I think there have been studies comparing OVI to driving and texting. IIRC texting is just as dangerous if not more so that operating a vehicle while intoxicated. I'd have to look around though. Mythbusters also tested this: http://mythbustersresults.com/episode33
  16. What is the definition of "peaceful" though? What's the "line"? I'm not familiar with what happened at that protest but am aware of the case you cited. Does the crowd saying "Fuck the police", "we'll let you leave if...", "don't shoot students (your children)", etc when the police are surrounded and are out numbered make it justifiable? It would only take one person to throw a punch and it would turn into a very dangerous riot. Not to mention they all got numerous warnings and the police were armed with riot batons and spray. Would you rather be sprayed or see the business end of a baton? The totality of the circumstances makes me believe the option of using OC spray was a better option than going hands on with force and escalating it all. Had the protest not surrounded the LEOs and not used threatening words, I would agree with you they should have left without using OC spray. If of course what I have seen on video matches the testimony from the LE and their chain of command, the protesters and the school. I'm not privy to that information.
  17. Make sure you let us know. I'm curious as to his response.
  18. That's why they aren't judged by a reasonable person standard but from the perspective of a reasonable officer. GRAHAM V. CONNOR, 490 U. S. 386 (1989) My emphasis above. Not to mention the protesters out numbered the officers, just because they didn't have bats doesn't mean they aren't or can't become very dangerous very quickly.
  19. What camera did you get?
  20. I just wanted a good reason to say Coshocton is full of bird crap. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/jan/26/3/coshocton-crows-create-quite-mess-ar-376858/ http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/jan/27/5/crow-battles-coshocton-ar-378101/
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