A friend of a friend rescued a litter of puppies. They are mutts and free. ~60lbs adult size. 5 available but I think a couple may be spoken for already. You'll have to act fast. If you are interested I can get you in contact with my friend. Edit: blue heeler/yellow lab about 7 weeks old.
I've found that keeping batteries on the chargers or recharging before they are dead them hurts their performance. Same for any rechargeable battery really. I've had my Craftsman 18v drill since '06 and the batteries still last quite awhile.
full tactical setup AR15 side saddles, better sights, light mount for the 870 Bodyguard .380 Benchmade folder M&P9c for my wife internal laser for the M&P40 NVG's There's other stuff I'm just not thinking of right now. Oh, Sub2000 is on my list