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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I saw that one the other day. Yeah well...shuddup. With all due respect.
  2. http://www.policeone.com/police-products/less-lethal/sprays-aerosols/articles/4810146-No-felony-charges-for-LA-Walmart-pepper-sprayer/
  3. Got a kick out of the past giveaways. Winner for March 2010 Bowdie 30828 July 2010 (no contest for Apr-Jun) Bowdie 14492 August 2010 Bowdie 525 Then finally in November 2010 Bowdie didn't win and came in 10th with 91. Winner had 839.
  4. I wouldn't even get that for my daughter when I buy her her first gun. lol
  5. Exactly. I think you need to remove the sig too.
  6. You need to hang out here more if you really think anyone one here would take a jacket over an AK47. And you even have the link in your sig? WTF??
  7. That's my thoughts. Once they trapped the LEOs, their peaceful protest began turning to passive aggressive. The protesters out numbered the LEO and if they followed protocol, they had no lethal defense if something serious should arise and it could have very quickly.
  8. Brilliant. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/07/timothy-clark-shop-with-cop-arrest_n_1134064.html
  9. Not really a joke but still funny. Supposed to be true. A California Highway Patrol Officer pulled over a new Porsche going 120 miles per hour down a barren stretch of California freeway. To his surprise, the driver greeted him enthusiastically. "I’m trying to join a Porsche club, and I have to get a ticket going at least 100 miles per hour," the driver explained. "I’ve been driving up and down California, trying to get pulled over!" The officer gave him a ticket—for 99 miles per hour.
  10. I know you already bought but I'll had my 2 cents. It all depends on what it is. If it's something I don't need immediately and am tight on cash, I'll buy online. If I need it now and the prices isn't astronomically different, I'll buy from the store. Stuff like clothes, gloves, shoes, etc I'll always buy in the store unless I have previous experience with the product and know it fits like I want/need.
  11. I'm more partial to the B&W myself. Her color isn't right on it but in the B&W I don't mind the highlights being blown out. Of course this was taken with a Kodak P&S that I bought in Iraq which didn't take all that great photos.
  12. This includes events leading up to the use of OC spray, not just the use of the spray. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhPdH3wE0_Y
  13. WARNING: GRAPHIC MATERIAL Not for children or those with weak stomachs This is a few different safety vids combined. I have seen a couple on here before but thought I'd post this one up since it has more. Just a reminder to not be an idiot on the roads. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xtz6laJXMMg
  14. Right after I posted that I remembered what other character he played. Amazing how many big actors played on MASH as nobodies.
  15. Well they don't. I had clothes I was gonna take them until I saw the sign on the front door. They never got my stuff.
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