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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I'm voting for this one: "Rubber Capital of the World" And I think this should be the picture on it:
  2. What are these trigger locks you all are talking about?
  3. Yeah? I didn't even read it. It's part of Rod's master plan to make everyone think they are right leaning and vote that way. mwah ha ha
  4. Now that one made me smile...a little...
  5. That's no good. You need to sell it and buy an M&P.
  6. I've done these before. I'm always way on the conservative side.
  7. Got this is my spam box. Made me chuckle. The date confuses me though...
  8. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=84637&highlight=levitation
  9. Got a 55g tank from crb. Gonna post progress up in here. So far I got it home and cleaned it up real well. Today I picked up play sand for substrate, washed it and filled it to about 1.25" deep. I am planning on going with all live plants, real driftwood and real rocks. I have a HOB filter and a Fluval 304 that I can use, not sure which I will. Minimal filtration meaning floss only and no ceramics or carbon. Not sure about stocking yet though. It will have Malaysian Trumpet snails I'll rehome from the other tank and probably about 8 Platies I am getting from my aunt. Tossing around the idea of 3 Yoyo loaches, Swordtails, Cherry or Gold Barbs and Endlers.
  10. Three Marble Angels, one Albino Bristlenose Pleco and one Albino Cory Cat. I need to add a couple more Cories though.
  11. I have a 50g corner pentagon. Three Marble Angels, one Albino Bristlenose Pleco and one Albino Cory Cat. Running a Rena XP2 canister filter.
  12. chevysoldier has created a new social group called "Fish Keepers", with the following description: To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
  13. I hate that Ohio can't decide on a plate. We change them every couple years. It's a waste and they all look stupid, like our DL's....
  14. lol, funny because my vault is sitting up in my closet, not even in the car. homepage ftw
  15. If they hack you're account then that is a violation of your privacy. If you give them login info then there is no invasion, you consented. If you don't give it to them, they have a right not to hire you.
  16. You're probably correct but Jack's is where I bought by Tiger Barbs that were supposed to be peaceful. At AA I just told them what I wanted and didn't discuss it with them. Thank you. More than welcome to DL if you want.
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