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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Airline should sue the widow for allowing the noticeably sick man to board the plane, cause them to administer medical care, causing the flight attendants and other passengers mental harm and anguish, and defacement of the airline name for letting someone die aboard their airplane.
  2. I think the sunset plate just looks like a dirty plate.
  3. I have never been hammock camping, but I do carry one of these in my bag just in case. You can use it as a hammock, as a base for camouflaging something small, carrying someone wounded, etc. Rolls up to about the size of your fist. It's not fancy but would work in a pinch. http://www.specopstactical.com/olive-drab-super-hammock-p-1524.html
  4. OMG I haven't laughed that hard in a looooong time. My sides still hurt.
  5. I don't usually remember my dreams anymore, I used to when I was young. They were always related to flying of some sort. If I am really stressed out my dreams end up being like I am looking through binoculars backwards. I can gauge how stressed I am by the severity of these dreams. I really need to look into some sort of sleep medicine. I don't think I have sleep apnea or anything but it usually takes me awhile to fall asleep because my mind starts racing. I could be dozing in my chair and be fine but as soon as I get into bed, my mind is going 1000 miles/minute. Ugh.
  6. wtf...any of you that know me, this guy is NO relation to me...just to make that clear...
  7. Straight well water is better anyways.
  8. On http://www.flashasylum.com which links to http://www.explosm.net/
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline_and_diesel_usage_and_pricing
  10. Good. They don't need that much money anyways. It's not fair to everyone else that has to work hard for such a small paycheck.
  11. Actually our prices aren't that bad, comparatively. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/05/gas-prices-around-the-world-cheaper-than-water-i-and-i-10-a-gallon/238226/
  12. I've said it before but these are the people that have stab proof knives...
  13. I want more info on what you were gonna type. It's worth it for the
  14. Time Warner cable, whom I have for net, wears shoe covers in my house. And so does Dish Network. I'm sure you could find ppl with TWC and Dish whose service guys didn't. What's your point? Maybe they just didn't like you? And I have never had to go to HQ to exchange equipment. Tech either brings it or they ship it.
  15. Always a funny one to read.
  16. 10 Platies added last night. They are all doing well. I might have one that's pregnant. We'll see.
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