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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Wow, that's....I don't even know the correct word to use. Pathetic comes to mind first.
  2. Verizon wants to monitor your web habits, if this bothers you -- opt out http://m.androidcentral.com/verizon-wants-monitor-your-web-habits-if-bothers-you-opt-out?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+androidcentral+%28Android+Central%29
  3. What have they done that was illegal? Simply protesting and showing their signs isn't illegal. They are just using their free speech, the same free speech that so many American's (and some who weren't) have died to protect. If they do something illegal, then yes they need to be held accountable for their actions. I wholeheartedly think they are lower than scum and what they say is absolutely disgraceful. But how can you say "We should slash their tires, burn them at the stake, etc, etc" when it is okay for someone else to say "Bush/Obama is a freaking idiot and ruined the country"? Both are using the same freedoms to voice their opinions. Use your freedom of speech to defend what Westboro speaks out against. Go counter protest where they are protesting. Cool. But to lower your standards and perform illegal acts makes you worse then them. People talk about making it illegal to protest military funerals. You don't think that is a violation of their rights? That's just being hypocritical and shows you don't truly understand what is going on. This is why I like the Patriot Guard Riders. They don't agree with what they do but they let them do it. They just make sure they stand guard between the protesters and the families and guarantee that they will keep them safe. That's an awesome feeling; a true showing of love, understanding, restraint and honor. François-Marie Arouet (21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778 /rant
  4. IF they are receiving a paycheck (W2) and not just cash under the table.
  5. Boy, so many entries! Who won?
  6. What a break for Mike! At least the other dude wasn't a little bitch about it all.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2oymHHyV1M
  8. Are you just too lazy to type "post" anymore?
  9. Browse this FB album. Way too many for me to post: https://www.facebook.com/DidIPissYouOff?sk=photos
  10. Someone PM him and see if you can get the VIN.
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