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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. HATFIELD, Mass. (AP) - Massachusetts state police say they've stopped a car carrying 1,250 packets of heroin stamped "Obamacare" and "Kurt Cobain" and arrested the four people inside it. http://www.nbc4i.com/story/24275712/mass-police-find-heroin-stamped-with-obamacare
  2. Oh like less than a thousand I think. Crappy year...
  3. Now there's even less incentive to become more skilled and move up the chain. If I can make 11.50 flipping burgers, why try and do any better?
  4. Exactly. I don't watch it but my thoughts... We must be tolerant about being gay. They can have gay pride parades and that's ok because we are being tolerant. But have a straight pride parade and everyone will speak out against them, intolerance. Why is it ok one way but not ok the other way? Why does a gay person have more of a right to speak out about homosexuality but a straight person can't express himself the same way about heterosexuality?
  5. In typical Stig pose, he's next to the A82 in Inverness, Scotland. http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/125934-top-gear-s-the-stig-appears-on-google-maps-street-view
  6. I max out my tires then reset the TPMS light.
  7. I run max tire inflation, whatever is on the tire sidewall. I don't have problems with traction or uneven wear. I want the least rolling resistance= +mpg. In my Silverado the tires were rated to 80psi and that's what I put in them even though the sticker said 50. My Tundra, current vehicle the tires are rated for 35psi and that's what's in them, maybe closer to 38. I think it calls for 32psi.
  8. Wanted to see if anyone has a car hauler I can borrow. My wife's car is down and I need to get it to her dad's shop near Easton. I'm near Johnstown. Payment in beer or pizza? Thanks!
  9. yp·i·cal [tip-i-kuh l]—adjective 4)characteristic or distinctive: He has the mannerisms typical of his class. 5)pertaining to, of the nature of, or serving as a type or emblem; symbolic. No, I used it correctly.
  10. Considering 76% of the US is Christian, that's a safe assuption. But their logic is typical liberal. I bet they think he should have thrown elbows too.
  11. I bet they vote democrat too. Stupid people. http://www.fox10tv.com/news/local/mobile-county/suspects-family-angry-at-good-samaritan
  12. Genius. http://news.yahoo.com/state-dept-back-foot-over-1-mln-sculpture-005434724.html
  13. Cctv captures smoke billowing from wreck. http://www.itn.co.uk/World/90732/fatal-explosion-which-killed-paul-walker-caught-on-cctv
  14. http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2013/12/party-girl-daughter-of-mildly-famous-attorney-rams-police-cruisers-evades-police-is-pited/ Video:http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2013/12/03/bexley-police-chase-arrest.html
  15. I hate headlight modulators. Seems to me and those Ive spoken to is it draws too much attention to the point some people actually drive towards the flashing lights. Now I do have a brake modulator but that is better attention grabbing to me since it's not constantly flashing , only when brakes are applied so people notice the change. I also just find the high beam flashing in my face in low light to be extremely annoying.
  16. Agreed, I forgot about the parking.
  17. Schmidt's Sausage House is awesome, but it's in German Village.
  18. http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/pace-salsa-failed-so-badly-twitter-weekend-it-suspended-its-own-account-154242
  19. Be a US Representative. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4339276
  20. "An Austin welfare recipient tells Austin’s Morning News she gets a lot of welfare money and can stay home and smoke weed. Listen to her phone call earlier today on the show with Mark, Ed and Sam… Lucy is 32 with three kids. She is on welfare just like her parents and admits her kids will do the same. She says taxpayers are the fools…she gets to lay up all day and smoke weed while you go to work."
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