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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I bought a 3T back up/ cloud drive to not only back up my computer files but to keep a back up of my DVDs. I'll be streaming them to watch on my computer, phones and in the future my tv. There's different options that I really don't know what the difference is. I want something good quality, able to stream well, faster ripping and maybe a little compression ? Does the container matter? avi, mp4, m4v, mpg? What about the codec? x264, mpeg4, mpeg2, xvid? I copied The Hobbit and it ended up being 1.4gb and took like 3-4 hours. Thoughts or tips? Thanks.
  2. Just because someone saw the gun didn't mean he was open carrying. That info isn't given in the article. New Albany is a good department, good officers.
  3. I like it for the simple fact I can carry it in my pocket and forget about it. Simple and easy.
  4. Thanks speedy.I want to check out the new M&P bodyguard .380. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/01/foghorn/new-sw-mp-version-bodyguard-380/
  5. Bought my wife a Shield .40 for Christmas. Still haven't taken it out to shoot it yet. Got it in .40 since I have other .40s but no 9mm, wanted to keep fewer calibers. Here it is in comparison to my Bodyguard .380 and M&P .40
  6. No actually mine doesn't but I'm looking into getting one, it's wired from the factory for it. I'm not saying I don't want one and they aren't helpful especially for trailers, my problem is we are being mandated for every stinking thing anymore. I'm tired of the government "looking out for my best interests"
  7. I'm really tired of being told what I can and can't do in so many aspects of my own life. http://blog.gasbuddy.com/posts/Will-back-up-cameras-soon-be-required-White-House-to-decide/1715-560809-2209.aspx
  8. Just passing along new ammo technology..
  9. http://www.nbc4i.com/story/24404555/death-by-wedgie
  10. This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen.
  11. chevysoldier

    Beer Pics

    Nothing too fancy but I like this stuff.
  12. If we legalize drinking and driving, our ovi arrests will plummet too ...
  13. That's a ways away from me. I'm near Johnstown.
  14. Sigh, kind of what I was figuring...
  15. Original Xbox, two controllers that I think all work. Haven't played it in forever. Buy Backs wouldn't take it because I opened it up to get a stuck disc but they did make sure it worked.
  16. The real reason for crime? Lead. Leaded gasoline, leaded paint, etc. http://m.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/lead-crime-link-gasoline
  17. This is hilarious, coming from a guy that says he'll defend himself against someone with a gun by throwing elbows.
  18. Awesome, I know a little bit of the basics of photography but this will definitely help. Thanks!
  19. Lol, don't know why I put that.
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