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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Lol, gonorrhea. You could always dip the tobaccoless stuff. Buddy of mine switched from Cope and been on the natural stuff for like 6 months.
  2. No,just Lookout but I only use it for a lost phone tracker.
  3. I read a bit of the report, need to finish it though. The entry time was because no one knew what to do with an active shooter, most small agencies don't do that sort of training. Yeah, I'm sure it happened. To be able to keep that many people quiet over something like that would be near impossible. They see a few "facts" and use them to prove their theory and anything that doesn't conform to their theory is variable that doesn't mean anything. I've read studies that typically we are actually safer today than we were 100, 200, 500 years ago. But back then news didn't travel at the speed of light to the other side of the globe. We constantly see all the bad things going on and it's in our nature to soak that up. School shootings aren't a new phenomenon that only came about in the 90's. But that makes the ratings go up. There are also studies that show debating facts with someone won't change their opinion, it is more likely that you will entrench them even more in their own beliefs, no matter how wrong they might be. We don't like to be wrong and we are all biased that our point of view is the only correct way, everyone else just doesn't get it. Throw in an agenda like guns, politics, abortion, and it makes our already skewed thought process even more messed up. Those in power, be it congress or your boss, think that they are smart enough to do what needs to be done but everyone rise needs to have everything idiot proofed. Sandy Hook happened. 9/11 happened. We haven't thought the world was flat since around 200BC, thats not why Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And they do put fluoride in water.
  4. Using Chrome on Android. Probably 30-40% of the time when I click on a thread to open it, the page loading indicator sits at about 5% then a few seconds later I get this error message. If I see it sitting at 5% and I click the thread multiple times until the loading bar jumps up a bit, the page will load. I only run across this on ORDN and I only get on my phone anymore so I can't compare it to the desktop version. Anyone else get this? Thoughts Ben?
  5. Damn, I need a +2 extension for mine. Glws
  6. I think it's time Magley gets the Ohio Riders biggest douche bag award, that is the consensus around here.
  7. You didn't know this? They also count those that were receiving unemployment and then stop receiving their checks but no longer work as unemployed. That's boosted the "employment" numbers erroneously.
  8. Thoughts? http://listverse.com/2013/05/26/8-arguments-for-impeaching-the-president/
  9. I wish we'd get rid of jaywalking laws too. Why should the government tell me where I can and can't cross the road? And what about if I want to put diesel in a red fuel can. Now they want to control the colors of my fuel cans? And damn it, I want to drive on the left side of the road too. Stupid laws telling me what I can and can't do.
  10. Very cool find ! Who knows who this is without looking at the website?Charlie Chaplin, without make up. I actually knew that. Lol
  11. Cow, gorilla or elephant shit. LMAO http://poopsenders.com
  12. (b) No person shall sell, deliver, rent, lease, offer or display for sale, or transfer ownership of, ACQUIRE or POSSESS any detachable magazine with the following capacities:(1) More than ten rifle or carbine rounds; (2) More than five shotgun rounds; (3) MORE THAN 15 HANDGUN ROUNDS...." caps is my emphasis. Didn't that say otherwise, it is illegal just to own?
  13. Hell yeah, wife is looking forward to meeting you and Carie.
  14. Like people will care. What's the percentage of voters for presidential elections? Like 10% or something stupid, you think Americans will care about a non-American getting beheaded in a third world country? We are to wrapped up with Miley Cyrus and shit like that. Not to mention the people are tired of the wars on terrorism, we don't want to deal with this stuff anymore.
  15. Older craftsman radial arm saw. Heavy , two man lift. Works well with strong motor. Newer blade. Just getting rid of because I don't have room for it. $40 on craigslist, $30 for OR. Located outside Johnstown.
  16. Yeah but the one I posted is set up to live off the grid. Hell yeah
  17. Yeah I go for low maint. Between the snails, plants and canister filter, I don't do much other than feed daily or every other day, plant fertilizer every week or and 25% water changes every three or four weeks. I maybe clean the glass of minor algae every 6mo and even that isn't needed. Oh, one more thing to add, having the light on a timer is great. It'll give them just enough light but not too much to have an algae problem, 8-10 hrs a day.
  18. http://www.off-grid.net/2013/10/19/private-island-for-sale-ideal-for-off-grid-community/ Who wants to go in with me? Lol
  19. Oh, and a bigger tank is easier than a smaller one. The water will stay more constant because there is more of it. I started with a 5-10 gal and now have a 55 gallon. The 55 is easier to take care of. In the process of upgrading to a 90-100g
  20. Is the Pleco a Bristlenose? If it's just a common pleco, it'll get huge, like need a 100g tank huge. Barbs tend to be aggressive and are a schooling fish, the more you have the less aggressive they'll be to other fish. I have 3 Angel fish, from osumj, she may have more she'll give away. They can be aggressive if they don't have enough room but tend to only fight themselves. I have 4 platies. I had now but lost some in a move. They aren't anything special but are live bearers and can breed like crazy. I have a bristlenose pleco that is doing great, and three panda Cory catfish that are my favorite. They are very active and have great personalities. Make sure any bottom feeders like the cories and pleco get algae wafers too. Sand substrate it great because it changes with the water movement and bottom feeders. I also recommend getting Malaysian trumpet snails. They will break down fish waste and keep the substrate clean. They will also give you an idea if you are overfeeding because their numbers will boom. I also have live plants although I can't remember all what they are right now. Amazon swords are good and I have a few of them. Also something spiralis, it's thin and tall. Live plants will require plant fertilizer and correct lighting. You can get easier plants that don't require CO2 injection. Edit Oh btw. The Pleco requires driftwood. They eat it and it helps their digestion.
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