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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Here is a calculator to help figure out your needed wattage when buying a generator. You really should look at all your appliances and get a more accurate number, but this seems like it'd get you pretty close. http://www.generatorsales.com/wattage-calculator.asp This company also sells tri-fuel generators or will convert your carb to run on natural gas, propane or gasoline, I guess for around $200. http://www.generatorsales.com/ I came across this from this blog post. http://preparednessadvice.com/fuels/the-advantages-of-tri-fuel-generators-and-how-to-convert-yours/#.UwApsvldWqh
  2. People are so dumb http://blink.htcsense.com/Web/ArticleMobile.aspx?regionid=1&articleid=19109149
  3. How do you counter steer if you are popping a wheelie?
  4. Edit, Nm didn't see the OP had video. Video of the sink hole http://www.allproudamericans.com/Kentucky-Sinkhole-Caught-on-Video.html
  5. Guns? We need to get those outlawed. All they do is cause people to get shot. Hell, I keep a "no guns" sign on my house to keep me and my family safe.
  6. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/man-named-tayvon-martin-charged-in-deadly-shooting-near-denvers-city-park-1234
  7. Then there is only one alternative then...divorce her.
  8. And what if, God forbid, he's passed away? You make me glad my wife is on board, supportive, interested in and believes in my ideas as much as I do. Lol
  9. Honestly, I'm leaning more toward a homesteading idea instead of a prepper idea. I guess there isn't a whole lot of difference other than preppers seem to have a goal of being prepared for a certain, or many, situations by having a fall back plan and stockpile swhereas I'd rather be prepared for those situations by not needing to change my lifestyle but instead have already equipped myself to be self sufficient, and still have stockpiles. I guess what I mean is instead of stocking laundry detergent from the store, I can make my own. Instead of stocking canned food from the store, I can supply my own food. I'd rather bug in than bug out. Now saying that, I do understand bugging out may happen or be a better option, but I'd rather almost live "off the grid" willingly before I am forced to do it. Does that make sense?
  10. Here, read this link. Maybe it'll help you out. Also, maybe refer to it as "homesteading" instead of "prepping". You want to be self sufficient and not rely on society so much. http://www.theprepperjournal.com/2013/04/26/how-to-convince-someone-about-prepping/
  11. Shut the power off for three to five days. Then ask her if she enjoys her way of not being prepared.Let me see if I can find a link for you to check out...
  12. Ask her what she would do in real life situations, tornado, hurricane, flood, etc. Tell her you feel it's your responsibility to care for your family in any possible situation. Give real life examples she can relate to, not zombies or alien invasion.
  13. Thanks for bumping this to remind me a need to update, redo mine with some new gear. Note on the tarp, be sure to get a OD or black, not the typical "look at me blue" if this is for a SHTF situation. If it's for an "I'm lost in BFE", blue would probably be fine, orange even better. If space is tight, you can forgo the tent and stick with a tarp or two and some 550 cord. I have a small folding hand saw, two actually, but I'd like to pick up a pocket chain saw for weight and space reduction.
  14. Epic! Fargo, ND – Local resident Todd Fox has been detained for “reckless endangerment” and “illegal use of high-powered fire-breathing weaponry” for attacking snow with his flamethrower. Fox reportedly became so fed up with the week-long blowing snow epidemic in his area that he decided to KILL IT WITH FIRE. The neighborhood was treated with quite a show last night as Fox unleashed an inferno upon the mountainous snow palace that was his front yard. Neighbors to his immediate right and left noticed a bright orange cloud and could hear what they thought was “puff the magic dragon spewing mayhem all over hell,” which prompted one of them to notify police. Fox stated that he was simply “fed up with battling the elements” and that he did not possess the willpower necessary to move “four billion tons of white bull shit.” Police say that Fox surrendered his efforts immediately upon their arrival and that his front yard “looked like a hydrogen bomb had gone off.” They think he was just happy to be done with snow removal, even if it did mean a trip to jail. http://fmobserver.com/fargo-man-arrested-for-clearing-snow-with-flamethrower/#
  15. Midget Todd eats massive amounts of spaghetti
  16. Yeah I do agree, bunch of wasted time. I did skip forward a bit in each of them.
  17. I'm going to (eventually) make one and try it out. It seems very easy and looks like it'd work well. Would be good for camping, back up for power outages if you don't have gas or a grill, or when SHTF.
  18. You can own it, just don't use it. I've also read that if you own a forty round AR mag, but no AR, the prosecution would have a hard time charging you with it but if you own a forty round mag AND an AR that will accept it, they could say that common sense says you could or likely did use it in that rifle. INAL (E) “Automatic firearm” means any firearm designed or specially adapted to fire a succession of cartridges with a single function of the trigger. “Automatic firearm” also means any semi-automatic firearm designed or specially adapted to fire more than thirty-one cartridges without reloading, other than a firearm chambering only .22 caliber short, long, or long-rifle cartridges. If you have a forty round mag with only 30 in it , and one in the chamber (30+1 is legal) the magazine is still illegal because it will hold more than the allowed 30 rounds even if it's not full.INAL
  19. So MP, is she still not knocked up?
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