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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. i have always done it the strong way because i always hated when the bow goes up and down, i figured out when i was about 10 that by going over instead of under it would make the bow go the right way, i never realized it was a better knot, i just hated when the knot was sideways. i was a bit OSD when i was younger and still am kinda lol

    You were a smart kid. lol

    I have velcro shoes to avoid all of this BS. Plus I don't have to worry about my laces getting caught in the bike chain and such. :)

    So does my dad. :p

  2. And apparently you have too! I saw this on wimp.com and had to try it out. It really seems to work and be a stronger knot. I showed my wife how I tie my shoes and she comments "You tie them like a leftie." I'm right handed. :( I need to find out if my older sister taught me how to tie shoes. lol I also have a problem with my work boots coming untied often so now I am gonna try this out. Takes some getting used to though....


  3. This just in gasoline prices fluctuate...... Anyways on a more serious note I just checked the RBOB (Gasoline) prices and the July futures settled at 2.9773. So you roughly add $0.73 for taxes and distribution fees and you'll get the price it'll be in about 2-3 days.

    So $3.70/gallon in 2-3 days?

  4. lol thats silly. gas prices can change multiple times a day. also, you posted that tuesday, 3 days is friday. gas ALWAYS goes up on the weekend.


    i just got an email that said sometime soon the sun will disappear and everything will be dark for about 10 hours, but then it will come back after that!!!!

    A jump of about 29 cents on the weekends? Not normally. And no it doesn't ALWAYS go up on the weekend.

    As I have said before, the last few large increases we have had, I got an email about them about a day before.

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