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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Awesome. I went out to Ft. Irwin in the beginning of '04, deployed to Iraq in '05, back to SoCal in '06 then came back to Ohio July of '07 . Small world.
  2. Yeah! Bad ass!! When was that first one taken? I was stationed out in SoCal.
  3. You're making me feel bad lol. You know I'm just messing with you and respect all you have done. When ever I am able to, I always thank the Vietnam Veterans. That was a hell I'm glad I never had to see and am eternally grateful to those that endured it and those that gave everything. One of the reasons troops now get the support they do is because it is YOUR generation that was wronged many years ago and now stand up against that kind of behavior. It is YOUR generation that our country turned against for doing nothing but what your government told you to do. Thank You Tom. This is so true. The Vietnam vets have stories that put me into shock and awe. Stuff I cannot even fathom. I too wouldn't trade my service or marrying a military girl for anything. Being in has given me a connection with so many people I've never met. It is something we have in common and immediately tap into. When I started drilling up at Alliance, I couldn't drive home at night just to go back the next day. So my NCO offered to let me stay at his place. I had known the guy for like 3 hours and he had 7 kids and a wife at home. Didn't even think twice about offering his place for me to stay. I have done the same thing for other soldiers. You don't get that working in an office. Also marrying a soldier has afforded me some slack. She knows what it's like to work very long hours. She knows what I had to put up with and do. She can sympathize with me while "civilian" wives may not always understand. When I might do something that may seem weird to others, she knows it is because of something I have seen or done.
  4. I watched part of it than had to tend to my kid. It kind of upset me when the owner said he wasn't there for a history lesson, just to put it together. Seemed rude to me and the more rounded you are on a weapon the better. They guy was helping them out for free and supposedly knows his M2s. It would probably be a good idea to listen to him.
  5. Most of my photos are from Iraq, so here's some more. This was one of our medics. He was from Kenya and one hell of a guy. He would run 2 miles is about 10 or 11 minutes. After he would finish, he would turn around, run full sprint to the last guy taking his test and would help to pick up the pace. We used to joke with him he learned how to run so fat because he had to outrun the lions. This is the power pack (engine and transmission assy) from an M88. Take off the top deck, 12 bolts, 6 electrical plugs a a couple linkages and it's pull right out. If you were good, you could pull one, drop it on the ground and reinstall it to operational condition in about 15 minutes. One of the many dust storms we encountered. We went out on a three day mission. We were stopped here for a couple days and used the building on the left as our crapper. The guy walking is going there. lol The guys reconned the area.
  6. Dollar off coupon. http://www.gunshows-usa.com/images/Banners/c&E/Showmasters%20&%20C&E/SM%20&%20C&E%20Coupon%20Page.htm
  7. You had a better reply than I did. I still feel awkward when I get thanked, like I don't deserve it. I don't say that with a holier-than-thou attitude, most vets will understand. I agree with what you say about those that use their rights and freedoms in a way that may piss us off, but it is their right. As much as I despise Westboro Baptist Church, they have the right to say what they want to say, as long as it stays civil.
  8. Thank you. I greatly appreciate this and am sure the others do also. Some of you may have seen me post this picture up on here before. I usually post this in a thread about a service member that given their life. Interesting story is I originally saw this in an email from my mom. It was one of those chain emails sent around about supporting our troops and what they do. When I got to this picture I recognized the Blackhorse shoulder patch. That is the patch of the 11th ACR, the unit I deployed with. It really took me by surprise this was in a chain email. I know those guys and they were mourning the loss of one of our soldiers killed over there. I emailed my mom back to tell her and she was very surprised also, didn't even notice the patch. I have since seen this picture, or a variation of the background, in many emails and videos supporting our troops.
  9. All the stools have been sold. This can be locked...or left to the abyss.
  10. I'm watching this right now simply because I want to see the M2 being built.
  11. But Civil War photos are so neat! You know I'm just messin' with you!
  12. You guys just don't do anything worth taking pictures of!!
  13. After active duty I did two years with the Ohio National Guard. We deployed to Louisiana in response of Hurricane Gustav. We stayed in a high school gym The local girl scout came and baked us brownies and cookies then sang some songs. It was really sweet. We handed out water, food and ice to the people. Water levels were really high! Signs and trees were down all over the place.
  14. Let's share some of our experiences from being in the military. Basic Training: The gas chamber. After we completed our final test for tracked recovery school (H8). They let us mess around in the mud. Inside the M88. My mom used to tell me these are the only pictures I would be smiling in. I really enjoyed being on an M88. Iraq when I was active duty. Sunset on guard duty: Some of my guys trying to get a picture into a 4 wheel drive magazine: One of the many road side shops. My M88A1 Recovery Vehicle. I think this is our convoy getting ready to leave Kuwait to go into Iraq. Toby Keith came and performed for us. Me and my TC (tank commander) on the M88. I am on the right side in the driver's seat. He his on the M2 50 cal. Our makeshift bench press. Boredom took over and I tried to see how big I could blow a latex glove. It popped just after this picture. And I learned to use crutches like stilts. This was my crew.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYsRbQpT1uY
  16. For you reloaders out there, this is up now.
  17. You would think that's sexy. This is one of my favorite car commercials: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezk0e1VL80o
  18. That says a lot about being on a drill crew lol. That hits home with me. Repped.
  19. http://www.chillicothegazette.com/article/20110210/NEWS01/102100309/Crash-becomes-alleged-assault-homeowner?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE This is why you should not believe that your home is a magical place that protects you from harm or danger. This man was trying to help someone out and the tables turned on him very quickly.
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