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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Repost. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=72753 Guess you and RFM should go to the doctor together....
  2. I didn't take a picture of what we ended with...there were a lot of pictures.
  3. You could check out one of those Russian bride websites. Ask Judd if he still has the url.
  4. We stayed in trailers over there. This was a common sight since we had no females in our unit.
  5. You kind of hit on it about the night lighting, but visit at different parts of the day. If you go at noon it might be really quiet but then after school lets out it could be a different story.
  6. Welcome to ORDN. I think this is the second noob recently that has put "pro carry" in their intro. I approve.
  7. Also the surrounding area. Check out the school system, check sex offender database, what businesses are nearby. Really anything inside the 270 loop you should probably stay away from...
  8. You should probably go and have a doc look at your throat....
  9. lol Check the land to make sure it doesn't look like the house is in a flood area. Tree roots getting too close to house. Signs of neglect on anything like sinks, tub, lights...can clue you in that other stuff could be wrong that you might not see.
  10. Foundation intact, roof not leaking, pipes in good condition, windows tight and not drafty, furnace and water heater in good condition....
  11. Thanks man. We all appreciate it very much. Anyone else have any pictures? I know there's a lot more veterans on here....
  12. Speaking of my grandfather, here are some pictures of him. He was in the Army during Korea but never deployed because he was too valuable to send over. They kept him stateside to work on missiles and to teach. He helped design and test the Hellfire missile. I miss him everyday. Him and a friend working on a rocket of some sort. This is a model of the Hellfire Missile Prototype. And his security clearance from North American Aviation. The last two pics I uploaded to show ReconRat but thought I'd post 'em here too.
  13. You were at Rockwell? A guy I work with and my grandfather both worked for North American Aviation/Rockwell. PM being sent.
  14. Sweet pics Adam. What did you have to do to get that kind of job, to have a dog? Maybe I'll go in the AF and try to get it! Sucks you gotta leave them behind. I'm sure deploying with one really makes it hard to leave him behind.
  15. I was gonna rep both of these, but I'm out for the day
  16. ha! That's pretty cool Frisko getting a AAM. Where's he at now?
  17. Aww, what a pretty pup! What's his name? And do your dogs get rank too?
  18. My wife needs this. She likes to hit turkeys and bust her grille. It's all broken on hers and I'm too cheap to fix it properly.
  19. Here is the video my unit made of our deployment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyapN8yjL78
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