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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. 35 miles is too far for you to drive???

    Wow, we drive from Chillicothe to Columbus sometimes, just for dinner!

    Monday night, I can't make it because of work.

    This group meets in Licking County every month but anyone is welcome. if you want I can try to remember to let you know about the next one.

  2. 17 Jan 2011 at 6pm until at least 8pm. Stacy's Buffet in Heath. We are normally in the far left corner of the restaurant as you come in the front door. (Closer to the food)

    We are an informal group of law abiding gun owners who meet semi-regularly for fellowship and food, and occasionally we get together to shoot more than the bull. Families and kids are welcome, and our only requirement is you must support OC as a right in Ohio. Stacey's has excellent food at an affordable price, and they are very pro-gun/pro-freedom oriented. So if you're in the area, or feel like making a trip, whether you OC, CC, or simply want to start, come on over!

    If you'd like more details or information, feel free to PM me.

    833 South 30th Street

    Heath, OH 43056-1207

    (740) 522-3317

  3. Ohio requires it for anyone under 18 or 21. I forget which. I think it should be required as part of your license, even if you're never going to ride a motorcycle. This way people will learn right off the bat exactly what it's like to be a motorcyclist. Maybe, just maybe, they'd remember a few things from it and remember that they need to look out for bikes.

    I think learning to drive a manual transmission should be part of it too. I learned on one as soon as I was tall enough to reach the pedals. Drove my dad's truck around the farm.

  4. security of all federal courthouses and judges is the jurisdiction of the marshals service, not the secret service.

    however, secret service can provide protection to justices/judges etc upon special request of the president.

    judges and representatives do not have 24 hour security from any federal security force, absent a known threat.

    Unless they hire security themselves I'd assume. I knew secret service didn't provide protection but I thought they had someone there, whether it was a hired security or the local police force.

  5. I guess I don't get the point you're trying to make... those are policy reversal decisions, not inflammatory politicking. People can educate themselves, or lobby, or whatever and change their mind on things - change course... but nothing there had any inflammatory messages of advocacy toward an opposition.

    So you say someone can educate themselves and change their minds. But yet you don't give that benefit to Palin? It also depends on what view you take on guns and the targets. To her it might not have seemed so wrong when she came up with the map. Or maybe one of her staff put it up before she knew. Have you ever been mad at someone and said "I'll kill you for that!"? Well did you carry that "threat" out?

  6. The Obama administration approved the sale of the American-made rifles last year. But it reversed course and banned the sale in March – a decision that went largely unnoticed at the time but that is now sparking opposition from gun rights advocates.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/09/01/obama-administration-reverses-course-forbids-sale-antique-m-rifles/#ixzz1ATzk8ZGs

    If it was okay then, why isn't it okay now?

  7. I think it's cool people want him for his voice. Would he have gotten the same looks if had he gone in and applied for one of the jobs? I don't know, probably not. Doing something like this help people feel good about themselves. Many people are only willing to help someone if it benefits them too. I have no idea if this is the case. I do think the guy needs to take his lumps, pay his debts and then hold on to what he has been given. He has great opportunities in front of him and time will tell if he has changed.

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