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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. For my area the ODOT wasn't in charge of this process. They forwarded my request to 311.columbus.gov and they sent me a request number. I went to the site the next day to check up on the progress and apparently my request was completed within 24 hours. I haven't had a chance to test out the light yet to see if the sensitivity has been improved. That most likely won't happen for a few months, but it was a hell of a lot faster than I thought it would take.

    Must have been private contractors, the government doesn't move that quickly.

  2. I hope they dont ruin the show by finding/creating some airborn cure for the zombie-ness. Then the gang will spray the cure from the top of the building and spend the rest of the series un-zombie-fying everyone.

    Don't think they will wipe out the zombies. Heard talk of a second season.

    I'm not sure where they can go with the second season that won't suck honestly. It has been pretty cool so far, but I'm not seeing where this goes unless they do a series of flashbacks to show what happened and why.

    Yeah, I don't know what else they could do.

  3. Yeah, that Bambi kid was shady. Glad he's gone. :rolleyes:

    That Jrmi kid was a douche nozzle, but he's still here.

    lol, you know it's all good:D

    I just realized you can see rep. But it's only recent rep. When I find out who called me a turd there will be hell to pay I tell you. Hell!


    Someone called you a turd? haha

    And I still haven't figured out when or what I did to piss in your Wheaties. :confused: I disagree with a lot of people on here (chevy, IP, Casper), but none of them seem to take it as personal as you -- and I'm pretty sure we've never met. What's lacking in your life max?

    But whatever, it must suck that I can push your buttons over the internet enough to get you worked up over it. :rolleyes:

    I agree we disagree.

    Please... point me to all my self-righteous, holier-than-thou posts... show me the err of my ways. I'm an open-minded guy.

    Because I think you're full of it. There's some other reason I'm in your 'sights' -- like Bambi, why don't you give us all the REAL reason. Since, I know I'm not the ONLY asshole on here.


    Wait, rep is back? Does Pauly know? Does a TL1000 really do 140+? Is Kawikid real? These questions and so many more will be answered tonite on As OR Turns.

    :lol: Well, I guess I should get out my popcorn. This looks like it's gonna be a long episode of "As OR Turns".

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