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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. No you're wrong. It's all politics like I've already mentioned. The 2nd Amendment was never meant to address the right to bear arms in defense of ones self or property. It's purely for what it says, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,.." Madison intended there be protection for militia's so they wouldn't be disarmed and so that the people and states could defend themselves from a federal military if needed.

    The founders and original writers never imagined they would need to address the personal right to own a firearm in the Constitution. Madison himself noted in writings that the government shouldn't ever consider laws keeping someone from owning weapons for self defense and in defense of property. It was a given in those times with no laws regulating firearms for those sorts of things.

    As was previously mentioned, it (like others) is being used to address things it was never meant to address. In the end it makes for a powerful political and business tool. Nothing like a little grey area and motive for people to abuse the Constitution.

    The "militia" is the people. You, me, IP.... They felt standing armies were dangerous and it was the duty of the people, all the people to defend themselves against anything that could destroy life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

  2. went to gander mtn and found a 26" remington 870, black for $329.99

    went to vances and they had it listed for $299.99.

    stood vances for 30mins and they had gone from #98 to #4....i was #16.

    so i got tired and decided the $30 wasnt worth sitting there for hours then getting caught in rush hour.

    Went back to gander and bought it, and they were nice enough to price match for me and I got it for $299.99... never bought a shotgun before so i asked the guy which slugs I would need for the barrel I have, and he showed me which choke tube I needed and which kind of slugs.

    due to being broke - i only bought a small pack of slugs (5 or 6) and the choke tube

    out the door i was around $350, i was satisfied with it.

    ive got to mail in my $30 rebate now and then when that money comes in, I will get a cleaning kit for it....cant wait to shoot it

    question though...

    do i need a hunting license and tags to hunt on private property? was thinkin about goin out next week and huntin some deer at my girls house

    if i do need license and tags, how much does that cost? and where would i get it done?

    That's cool they matched it for you. If it's your parent's property you don't need a license. Grandkids up to age 18 can also hunt on their gradparent's land w/o a license. Still need tags though. Check out http://www.ohiodnr.com/wildlife/dow/regulations/hunting.aspx

    Most all the info you need is on that site.

    Check out Kawi Kid bringing back the Gravediggers thread from the dead! :D

    :lol: No shit.

    If your concern with that statement is self defense I would respectfully suggest that after 5 shots the bad guy will have run away (if he does not have a gun) or shot you dead (if he does have a gun). Almost all self defense situations are 25 feet, or less. You won't miss with buckshot loaded.

    Now, if you are worried about the coming Zombie Apocalypse then certainly you need more rounds in the gun.

    Zombies, of course. But I find the saying "You fight with what you have in and on the gun" very true. Worst case scenarios do happen and I would like to be prepared.

  3. thanks chevy...im gonna swing by gander mountain today and see what kinda deals they have...i want a black 870 with a short and long barrel - for under 300...does that sound unrealistic?

    I don't think you'll find a combo for that price but I've never really paid attention to the prices. 870 express with a single barrel normally runs about that price. I lucked out on my 870 with an 18.5" barrel, black synthetic for $240 after $30 rebate. Check out Vance's or Buckeye Outdoors. Buckeye Outdoors has a pretty good selection and is really nice. If you have the time, go to Cabela's in WV.

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