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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. when i moved back home after college, my sister had gotten a cat while I was gone (she's 11 years younger than me). She'd let the litter box go, and it would smell like shit.

    I threatened taking a dump in it myself multiple times. Finally followed through one night when I came home very drunk.

    I moved out shortly thereafter, but I'm told the litter box isn't a problem anymore, although my dad claims he's threatened to "have chris stop by on his lunch break." (i work close to my parents' house).

    Oh geesh. you guys are crazy. :lol:

  2. i've got a nice Winchester 1300 20ga for home defense. 18" barrel and pistol grip. i may end up switching out the pistol grip to a nice collapsible


    How do you like that foregrip? That's the same one that cam with my pistol grip/buttstock. I never put it on because I felt it had less grip than the original.

  3. The M&P is right there with them but I wanted to make Chevy doubt himself for a minute.


    And yet with 500 nut swinging posts of Dan Wessons greatness you've yet to present any evidence to back up your frivolous claims. :nono:

    XD or Glock all day, Chevy don't know


    And there is gonna be another shoot at my place on Sunday if you wanna make the trip to compare there will be every make and model here.

    Yep, be there to try different guns out.

    We'll be there too.

  4. I wish I could tell you that it becomes easy to deal with.


    I lost my grandfather Sept 29, 2001. He and I were very close and I had the utmost respect for the man. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him. Most of all knowing that he never got to meet his first great grandchild. His grandkids were his life, I know how special she would have been to him.

    Just typing this is making me tear up...

  5. probably...I'm pretty much set between getting a Mossberg 500 or an 870. Though the cheap ass in me is considering just getting a Maverick 88 for home defense now and picking up something better solely for hunting down the line. Can never have too many, amiright?

    I had looked at Mavericks but after doing some research, I won't buy one, especially for home defense. 870s are tried and true.

    Check out Vances' website. Used police 12 gauges for $150.

    This. BUT when they get a shipment it, prepare to stand in line for a while and hope you get one. This is what I have heard fro a guy who has bought them anyways.

    Get this. Its made to lay the smack down.



    ^^^ I just noticed the last page of the Gander MTN sale ad in the news paper.$249 and you choice of 12 or 20 gauge, wood or synthetic stock 26 or 28 inch barrel. Seems like a great deal.

    I currently have home defense 870 with 18 inch barrel. I thought i would purchase another barrel so i can hunt turkey and also shoot skeet. I have not looked into used barrels, but a new 28 inch barrel from Remington is about $250 just for the barrel.

    Plus, i do not want my home defense gun all beat up and knocked around out in the woods and at the range. So, I plan to get a second 870 shotgun that I can hunt with and shoot skeet. The home defense 870 will stay as a home defense shotgun. I will take it to the range just to cycle rounds through it.

    Eh, I figure the 870 is a work horse. If it gets a little beat up, it won't bother me too much. If I bought a $2k shotgun, I'd be keeping it pristine though.

    This seems like a better deal, if only for the simple fact that it comes with a defense barrel and a hunting barrel


    I don't know where "Big Five" stores are though...

    Nice find but I have never heard of that store either.

  6. Intriguing...I want a shotgun for home defense purposes but also would like to try and get into hunting with some friends. If I could buy 1 gun to serve both purposes for now that would be excellent

    It's a great gun. I think you had posted about it in the thread I started about the 870 I picked up?

  7. My daughter and I ate at The Nutcracker in Pataskala last night. I had me a really good angus cheesburger, and a slice of pumpkin pie for free. I will be eating there in the future. Vets get ANY meal for free, not just a small selection.

  8. I got tired of my brother not picking up his dog's poo, so I dropped the biggest one I could muster on the back patio. I pointed it out and said "Jesus Christ Almighty look what Jessie did there!!" It was Yota sized...

    I had him clean it right then and there, and when he picked it up with a paper towel, I took a picture of him as I told him that I had a lot of peanuts the night before, just for him..

    I laughed, and that's all that mattered...:D

    That's so wrong, hilarious but wrong.

  9. I think that was a transformer blowing after the power lines were knocked down.

    I'm ALMOST willing to overlook the inherent stupidity of having kids on site for this, but having them standing under power lines when they knew (or should have known) that the tower could fall on the lines is dumb.

    those aren't high-tension wires, so I wouldn't be worried about the "whip" effect being a problem, but they're fucking LIVE wires, carrying electricity.

    I thought engineers were supposed to err on the side of caution; take all precautions to make the tower fall due north, but be prepared for it to fall due south.

    It's not like they couldn't have killed power to those lines for the 10 minutes it would have taken to blow up the tower and let the dust settle.

    Didn't even think about a transformer blowing. Good call.

    Even if they aren't high tension wires to begin with, when that tower landed on them I'm sure there was enough tension that a solid strike to the head by one could kill.

    I agree with erring on the side of caution. Even when they implode buildings, they evac the building around it that could be damaged from a bad fall.

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