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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Not going to make it out there, still working on the babys room. But I have 3 pumpkins here if anyone wants to pick them up.

    Ah you posted up too late. I would have picked them up on my way out. Save them for next year?

    Good time today even though I got there way late. Thanks for letting me come down and blow up a pumpkin. Glad to put a few more faces with people on here also.

    Good to finally meet you man. Too bad you made it out late, and we had to take off and get some stuff done.

  2. Thats crazy, the building looks still intact but just completely fell off it's base.... like there was nothing tying the building down.

    They were building an underground parking garage on one side and dumping the dirt on the other. Ii then rained and made the ground very unstable and you see what happened.

  3. Crawford Mechanical Service by Easton. I worked for them in HS and know the owner personally. I real good guy. They do commercial and residential. I did a lot of the plumbing for the ice cream place that used to be in Easton Town Center.

    Crawford Mechanical Services

    Street: 3445 Morse Road

    Columbus, oh 43231-6183

    Phone: (614) 478-9424

  4. If the odds are wrong you might not live with them.

    I mean why doesn't the government step in and start tracking guns and who they are sold to? If we know who has them we could possibly stop another school mass murder. If it weren't for the proliferation of guns through the US then we wouldn't need metal detectors at our schools.

    I'm going to say you are playing devils advocate.

    Even if you track and register 100% of all legal gun purchases in the states, bad guys will continue to get their hands on one. Whether it be through the black market, or by stealing. Kids will still be able to swipe their parents legal guns and go to school with them. Now the good guys have to jump through all kinds of hoops will the dirt bag has no problems getting one.

    How many shootings happened at a place that allowed guns? Very few if any. How many shootings have happened at gun shows or gun stores or open carry demonstrations? I can't think of any.

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