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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. thanks al, Would you approach a helicopter such as this if it had just landed in a grocery store parking lot? If so, what would you say to the operator?

    I envision you walking with groceries back to your bird and swat/fbi/cia/faa/homeland security swarm in with black suburbans and guns drawn. couple of jets do low altitude fly bys. you drop your grocery bags and shit your pants. nice.

  2. Lol

    Which American accent do you have?


    This could either mean an r-less NYC or Providence accent or one from Jersey which doesn't sound the same. Just because you got this result doesn't mean you don`t pronounce R's.(People in Jersey don`t call their state "Joisey" in real life)

    Joisey, I just busted out laughing saying that for some reason.

    I guess I dunno what "North" is. The southern-most I've lived was Mansfield, the northern-most; Flint, MI

    I'd consider that "North".

  3. Really? Huh.


    Western is kind of neutral, but not quite since it`s still possible to tell where you`re from. So you might not actually be from the West (but you probably are). If you really want to sound "neutral," learn how to say "stock" and "stalk" differently.

    And THIS is why I figured it would get interesting. :lol: I know a girl that has lived in Ohio all her life but she sounds like she is from Texas.

  4. Take the quiz, post your results. Should be interesting if there is any difference since the majority of us are in Ohio.


    Mine is:


    You`re not Northern, Southern, or Western, you`re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don`t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing

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