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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Magley, I've said it before, there are people that will kill you because they want what you have or for no reason at all. Guns are not evil, it is the intent of the person. The only thing that will equalize two people is a gun. The chances of you winning a fight against a gang banger with a gun while only duel wielding elbows is a lot less than if you had a gun. You're inability to process this simple fact is astounding. Your lack of understanding that you don't live in a crime free area is sad. Your attempt at having a debate on the pros and cons of gun control, or lack thereof, is absolutely pitiful. I carry a gun. all the time because I love my life and my family and friends. I will do what I can to protect them at all costs. I'd even protect the life of someone I don't know because that's how much I believe in good over evil. But I will not protect someone that has shown such a lack of intelligence on the subject, and that includes you. As a CHL holder, I would not put myself on the line for someone that would more than likely hold me at fault for saving their life and I believe without a doubt you would do that. As a LEO, I would uphold my oath no matter what.
  2. I think my definition of reasonable and your definition will be a few hundred dollars different. Lol glws, sweet tank.
  3. My understanding is that you don't need to scrub new tires. They only tell you to go easy for the first couple hundred miles so that you get used to the handling of the new tires. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
  4. Nothing bad has ever happened in my house. You are eleventy hundred times more likely to suffocate from a frying pan.
  5. Here's an idea... DON'T FUCKING RUN FROM THE COPS! He should have given up at the first hit, actually sooner. Why was he running? At that point the officers have no idea why he's trying so hard to run. Morons, maybe they'll learn not to run next tonne
  6. Toyota west is where I got this. Decent inventory but my tundra was 10-15k less than new ones. Plus no immediate depreciation once I drive it off the lot. 7 year bumper to bumper warranty as well as a couple years of the factory warranty. My only complaint is they didn't do a good detail job and I'm just now at the dealership to have to smoke smell removed.
  7. Why thank you, always nice to hear from a fan! Aww, don't be jealous. Know when you get done pissing and you have to shake it? I have to kick mine.
  8. Not sure $2,666.67/hour is enough to make me listen to that song for that long. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/apexchange/2013/03/26/us--stuck-on-small-world.html
  9. I haven't and I don't remember posting that. I'm confused
  10. That's what she said. Not what she said.
  11. If you don't have a CHL then yes it needs to remain 100% visible (firearm and holster) There have been reports of people using the older style flap holster, like old military style, that cover the top of the gun. People have gotten charged with concealed carry. If you have a CHL, it can be 100% in view, partial in view or totally concealed. If you just dangle a jacket over the gun, unzipped in front and sometimes the gun is visible if someone looks right at it, that's going to be considered concealed. I would guess that would fall into the concealed category, speaking from a LEO stand point. By handle you mean grip right? If it's just partial visible, it's concealed. If the entire grip is out of your pocket, it MIGHT be able to be considered open carried but I wouldn't test that. Not to mention it's probably not a very secure way to carry it. Now an officer may charge you with CC but the prosecutor may drop those charges later. Keep in mind, if you don't have a CHL and you open carry, you cannot open carry in a car. It is then considered concealed. This also includes motorcycles. If you open carry on a bike, by definition that is a motor vehicle and a CHL is needed. While CC'ing, you must carry your CHL and (I'm 99% sure ) another ID as required by the state of Ohio. If asked, those must be presented to the officer during a stop. Now you are not required to carry your OL (operator's license) when driving but you must give enough information to properly ID yourself to a LEO, ie SSN or name and DOB. There is nothing I'm aware of stating you must carry ID while OC'ing, but you must give enough information to ID yourself. Yes an officer can take possession of your firearm on a stop. Yes you are required to do it. Yes is must be returned in the same condition as it was received at the end of the encounter unless it is being seized as evidence. This is going to be upheld by case law for officer safety. Because by current Ohio law, you are required to inform the officer you have a CHL and currently carrying. It is then at the discretion of the officer if they wish to secure that weapon until the end of the stop, allowed to do so for officer safety. My personal views are that if a person has a CHL, they have gone through background checks and some kind of training and therefore aren't a criminal. I also don't want nervous nelly trying to remove his gun for me and then have a negligent discharge. If you do OC, know where you aren't allowed to. If you are asked to leave the premises, you must comply. Don't touch it with your hand to make sure it's still there. If anything, get used to positive control by using your forearm or elbow to cover the top of the gun. Same thing you see officers do. Not all officers know the carry laws. There were memo's sent out to every Ohio agency explaining them so they are better now than 2 years ago. But you still may run into those that don't. Just comply with their orders. It's easier to fight in court than to fight on the side of the road. And yes even if you have a CHL, you can still open carry without having the CHL on you, with some limitations. I know people that only have their CHL so they can carry in a car, they always carry OWB.
  12. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/5817
  13. Don't think I ever congratulated you Brian! Good job! Hope the kid looks like her though!
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