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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yeah, I remember how much you said you liked your phone. We will have to compare them sometime. The LTE is quite fast, especially noticeable when loading the funny picture thread. Haha
  2. Kids brains are rotting from watching so much TV. Ban all televisions! Think of the children!!!
  3. I think the 1st Amendment only applies to iron quill pens, or whatever they used back then. It doesn't apply to computers or modern newspapers.
  4. I was actually being sarcastic with my car show comment...cars aren't a constitutional right. And a test doesn't equal training.
  5. My Motorola X2 went bonkers the other day. Booted into safe mode and wouldn't come out, random apps opening, camera taking pictures by itself, voice commands turning on, button lights not turning off with screen.... So I went to Verizon and because I wan't up for the upgrade, I'd have to pay full price. So instead I picked up a tablet and was able to get the discount price on the phone, still less than the phone at retail. The DNA is pretty flipping sweet. Front facing camera, 4G LTE is fast, only had 3G before, better UI, great display, easy to customize the apps and layout. great picture quality.... I am definitely happy with it. I also got an Otterbox for it but pulled the plastic screen cover off because the screen lost a lot of sensitivity with it. I realize how crappy my X2 was now that I've been using this. The Galaxy 7.7 is pretty nice too. My daughter has been playing games on it and I figure we'll use it for finances, recipes, grocery list (linked across the phones too) and other things the laptop would normally get used for.
  6. Did this on my phone. 4G LTE 3/5 bars and on wi-fi TWC Basic.
  7. Video on page. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2013/01/18/johnstown-man-chases-off-robber-loses-job-for-having-gun.html
  8. Supposedly it's expensive and and as you said, difficult to find.
  9. I read this, seems like a pretty good write up. http://sherylcanter.com/wordpress/2010/01/a-science-based-technique-for-seasoning-cast-iron/ So has anyone used flaxseed oil? I also came across this page for smoking points on diffferent oils. http://whatscookingamerica.net/Q-A/SmokePointOil.htm
  10. Okay this may be a long shot on here, but I have two cast iron skillets. I haven't used them a whole lot but am starting to more. I am going to clean and season them well. I'm doing some research and there are a lot of different oils/fats that can and have been used.They are about the same size so I might try two different oils to see what works best. Does anyone here have any experience with this? Any tips about what you prefer to use?
  11. You guys must be browsing the same sites, almost an hour apart. lol
  12. For anyone that cares, tickets go on sale tomorrow at 9a. They are also having a buy 1 ticket, get a second free for opening night on the 21st.
  13. It wasn't too long ago that I could not check this thread for a couple days and when I would come back, there would be 100 new pics. Now there is only like 10 every couple days. I haz a sad now...
  14. I'll buy you dinner in trade. There are plenty of stray cats running around my area.
  15. everyone is missing the easy weight loss solution: tapeworms. Eat 'em and forget about it! They do the work for you!
  16. I didn't think it'd be in the daily ride section, maybe the off topic one though. oh well, thanks putz.
  17. Side effects may include..............death.........
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