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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Article talks about support for him growing. http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2013/02/08/support-growing-for-former-l-a-officer-accused-of-killing-spree/
  2. Amazing how his English got better through these threads. Lol
  3. Sure it isn't Magley? I don't think he's posted since he got his ass ripped for his stupidity.
  4. There are many two man units in big cities, especially when on foot patrol. Sen the video before, funny stuff.
  5. I hope it is Magley, that would be awesome. I could see him doing something like this. If it were truly a case of penis envy, wouldn't the Chinese have the highest gun ownership?
  6. Casper said it actually comes back to the Netherlands
  7. hahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaha this is fricken hilarious shit.
  8. Cops: Photos may show Navy sniper before death
  9. Wow, that's a hell of a letter. This is nucking futs. Sure sounds like Law Abiding Citizen
  10. I'm in no way a nerd but I love these. Been getting them monthly for quite a few years. Great find!
  11. This is a safe, not a lock box. Seemed well made, heavy and sturdy
  12. Came across this at Mendards. Anyone have info? Good deals?
  13. Wow, I haven't seen neg rep like that in a long time!
  14. I just saw this on the History Channel FB update. Very cool stuff.
  15. Wow, you are really showing your true fucked up colors. One, it takes a special sort of person to put on a military uniform, Marine, Army, Air Force, Navy.Unless you have served you won't understand. Yes he was a friend to many on this board, to all those that have served. No you wouldn't fucking understand that because you are so wrapped up in your twisted little world. The military is a huge family. What they and there family goes through is so much more than your measly existence. Do you understand what snipers go through? Being out there alone or with one other guy, behind enemy lines? If they get caught there is very little chance of coming out alive? Do you know how many men he has saved? A whole lot more than the number of lives he took. You have no idea the sacrifices he has made. While you get 3 hot meals a day, sleep in your warm bed and house, not worrying about mortars crashing through your roof, not wondering if tomorrow is your last day, wearing the same dirty clothes day after day....yeah you have a great fucking life and yet you feel the need to shit on someone else's because you want to throw your fucked up liberal agenda in there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igYKQ08bLKk Repped. Well said man.
  16. Props to ya and tell your daughters we are proud of them. I have a 5 year old little girl and she says she wants to be a cop and a soldier like daddy. I'm really torn on those ideas, not sure how I'd feel but I'd support her either way. Good luck to you and your family.
  17. So sad. Stand down, your mission is complete. RIP Brother.
  18. I think once a president is elected, he stays until he dies. Works for the pope and queen of England.
  19. Tomcat, if you go you should text me. I'll be there tonight
  20. So far in January, LCSO has responded to 22 burglaries and 9 B&E's.
  21. I do too, parents also. County is on a active burglary on Loches Rd right now.
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