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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. For those in Licking county, especially around the Johnstown area be advised of a high number of home break-ins. Sometimes three a day. Make sure you keep all doors and windows locked even when you are home. Valuables and firearms should be kept locked up and/or hidden. Also keep in mind the response time for the sheriff isn't as quick as if you lived in town, 10 minutes is an extremely long time. Do what you can to stay safe and pass this info on to your neighbors. Edit: So far in January, LCSO has responded to 22 burglaries and 9 B&E's.
  2. Good for you, I think its just right. Like max said, make him man up and look him in the eye.
  3. There is gun talk on this forum? Shit I thought it was all about the scooters...
  4. These cracked me up. There are more on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRLTqdn52AI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cWDhrVzXkI
  5. Wow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zu7GVfx6Ng
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLw-9dpHtcU
  7. I have the galaxy 7.7. Haven't used it a whole lot other than to browse the web and stuff like that. Works well for me.
  8. By termination, you mean the plug on the wall? Sweet, thanks. Looking at the site it says renovations and additions. You say they also build entire homes? How is is pricing? I don't want the low end but can't afford the top end either. Sometimes uphill too...
  9. Worth quoting again for anyone that has you blocked (:lol) and just to reiterate.
  10. Hey, the more advice I get the better. You could write a novel and I'd be cool with that. See, I always figured it was more expensive to go up. But thinking about foundation/basement/roof, I could see that. If I did go with a two story, I think the only things I'd want up there would be the kids/spare bedrooms and a full bath. Maybe an open area for a pool table or something like that if I don't have to room downstairs. Three car garage will be almost mandatory. Need a place for the bike and tools, plus being able to keep the cars inside would be a great thing. Going to look into geo thermal and fireplace/wood stove. Sound like really good ideas. Very good to know this. Had to google the term, but found out what a quitclaim deed is. Think I could just build my home underground and they would never find out and I wouldn't have to pay taxes? That sucks. I am going to get plenty of references and make sure they are reputable. I hear that houses almost go over budget so an extra little bit is always a very good idea. Nope, it's not like me to ever do something like that, good to know though. I will def stay involved and make sure it's going well. I am pretty flexible tolerant anyways so that doesn't worry me too much. Life is too short to worry about the small things and you can't take your stuff with you anyways. Thanks
  11. All very good ideas and points. I will keep all that in mind and would like to implement most if not all of them. Didn't consider places like above cabinets, that's smart. I'm thinking the basement is more important that I originally thought judging my everyone's comments. I am really not comfortable being an owner-builder. Too many headaches, codes, workers to deal with...nope I'd rather have someone else that knows what they are doing deal with all that. I can live without top notch furnishings but I don't want to skimp and have them break in a few years. You get what you pay for and I'd rather not have to be spending more to replace cheap shit later. I am handy enough that I could do a lot of the interior stuff. And things I don't know how, my dad more than likely will and with him being next door, it's not a long drive for him! Stuff like hanging doors, lighting fixtures, cabinet hardware, clean up, etc, I will definitely do. Never would have considered that. Cable for tv yeah, but not for networking/internet. Good idea. Shit, never thought of running unicorn pubes. Speaker wire is something I had in mind. I would love to have surround sound and not have to run wire under carpets or figure it out after the fact. Good idea on the pvc pipe too. Again, not something I would have thought of. What is "quit claim" and "CAUV"? Yeah I know I'm not going to make a killing on the barn but the extra cash would help. Dad was just talking to me today about possibly selling the siding and using the frame for the house. It's still in great shape, especially the main support beams. It would need to be moved as it's too close to the road, creek and south property line. Using those as the main frame would save a bit. I also like the idea of being able to point to a beam in the house and say that was in the old barn that used to stand right over there. Keeping the old stones and stuff for future projects is a good idea too. Would you recommend the company that tore yours down? Do you have any contact info for them?
  12. I'm expecting a lot of headaches. That's why I plan on doing it once and dying there. Plus I always like hearing my dad's stories from my grandparents house. "When I was your age, grandpa used to sit over there..." I'd like my daughter to be able to revisit those memories. Yep, I am keeping a list of all the ideas I'd like to incorporate. I have a feeling by the time the list is done and I am ready to build, I'm going to have to prioritize on importance. If not, I'll be putting in secret passages and underground tunnels leading to in ground turrets and all that. Although that is a bit important, right? 1) Absolutely. 2) lol wtf 3) Really? I figured with hot air rising and cold air sinking, a single story would be more efficient. Hmm. 4) No, I really want at least 3, probably 4. I figure if I keep the master reasonably sized, have the master bath, a bathroom for the kids and a half bath for visitors, I can get the room for a 4th bedroom. And if I don't need that room, it can be used as an office, work out room or something else. Everyone seems to be pushing the basement. I will reconsider not having one now. I do know how important drainage it, that is one of my big worries. I remember christmas ornaments being damaged when the basement flooded. I don't want to go through that shit again. Didn't know the land equity value could be used as a down payment. Interesting. I knew about radiant floor heating just didn't realize it could heat the entire house and eliminate duct work. I image the A/C vents would be off the floor? Insulation is something I am really concerned about. I've been in enough drafty house and wasting all that energy. I don't want to be paying to heat outside.
  13. A lot of good info in here. Thanks for the responses. Went today with my parents to the log and timber show at the Cbus fairgrounds today. Got quite a it of good info. Can't remember the dry-in costs but the turn key prices were $115 to $175 rough estimates. That for a basic, decent house. Some of the kits were as low as $35k and had most of the features I want/like. I was also told that eliminating extra corners and just keeping to a square/rectangular structure will eliminate quite a bit of money. Now if I could swing it, I'd love this house but I'm probably dreaming too big. lol http://www.homeplans.com/plan-detail/HOMEPW12782/three-bedroom-craftsman You all probably right about the extra space becoming very valuable as a home owner. I'd rather be able to afford to build my home now and maybe forgo some "luxuries" but maybe a basement would be worth the extra money, especially if it isn't all that much more. I really just assumed digging and putting the walls would be a good chunk more money. I'll definitely look into the costs. I would love a back up generator, never thought about getting a panel that will allow me to expand and already be set up for the future stuff. Good call. I would absolutely be visiting very often. As someone else pointed out, I really don't have the knowledge to be my own GC, I really don't want that headache. I had planned on the laundry room being close to the master bedroom. I don't think I want it right off the bedroom because I don't want to hear it if it's running at night but I don't want it on the other side of the house or on a different level. I didn't add this earlier but I'm wanting a log cabin style. Either true log cabin or a stick built that has many of the same design features. Open spaces and halls and few doors, just on the bedrooms, laundry etc. I also want lever style door handles in case I get arthritis someday. Plus you can open with your knee if your hands are full. I would def make sure that the important stuff is done by a contractor to make sure it meets code. I don't want to waste the cash when I fuck it up and have to redo it. I will PM you my email, I'll take all the information I can get! Thanks. The closet idea is genius, I never would have thought of something like that. I am aware that I can't just build on their land without it being in my name, not sure if I made it sound that way. I'm not sure the routes I can go. Someone mentioned them selling for a $1? I wonder if it's like selling a car for a $1 and they will send for the tax money on the actual value of a car. I also wonder if they could just give it to me, like a one time gift up to XX amount of dollars. I need to check into that more. If I went with a basement, I cannot see going with cinder blocks. I have seen way to many basements done that way and end up cracking and leaking or worse...my parent's house for one. I remember seeing a way where the walls are made off site, then trucked in and set into the ground. The corners are connected very well and this nearly eliminates the typical faults of brick and mortar walls. Agreed! Geo-thermal is something I want to look into. I know it's a little more expensive up front but pays off, just don't know the average time frame for that to happen. I'm def going to find out whatever cost saving measures I can add in. I'm going to be paying for a house, I don't want outrageous utility bills if they can be avoided. Going to be going with gas. Electric is just so damn much. I'm also wanting either a fireplace or wood stove. Wood is cheap and would help to heat it. And with the stove, I could cook with it too. Two birds and all that... I also like those "instant" heaters. That way not paying for water to just be heated until ready to use.
  14. I am wanting to build my own house in the next few years. Has anyone here done it? What do I need to do? Any tips, tricks, lessons? Anyone have good contacts (builders, electricians, plumbers, etc) they can recommend? I have zero idea of what I am getting in to so the more help the better. I want to build on my parents land. They have about 7.5 acres around the Johnstown area and after they go, I get the land so it'd be a good idea IMHO to build there now. Can I get the land deeded to me? Or could I just build on his property without me actually owning it? I've gotten on licking county's website and found a list of permits, buidling application, codes, etc. I will be using the VA home loan option as well. I have been looking at floor plans and have an idea of what I want. I'm thinking of going with a single story since it'll be cheaper and when I am old, don't have to go up stairs. I'm also thinking about forgetting the basement for the same reasons. If I have room on the main level for washer/dryer, furnace, water heater... I don't feel the need for a basement. I also figure that it would be sturdier in the long run instead of the earth pushing in on basement walls. Anyone disagree with those thoughts? There is also an old barn on the land built around 1900-1910 if memory serves. The outside and the foundation are not looking real good. Dad and I have talked about selling it and using that money toward my house. I'd also like to use some of the main beams in the house too, cost and history reasons. Has anyone torn down a barn or had it done? I'm wondering how hard it would be to do myself. If I disassemble it, I'd only have invested time so 100% profit. Is there anything else I'll need to get quotes on/ have installed? Roof, septic, windows, electrical, HVAC, plumping, foundation, digging well...what am I missing? Like I said, never done this before so it's making ma a bit nervous. Figured I'd look for help here and see if anyone had any words of wisdom. Thanks!
  15. Find it on Facebook, law enforcement wtf moments. Lol this.
  16. I still haven't gotten around to seasoning mine.
  17. Its times like this I hate working nights. Sleeping during the day makes me miss all the drama on here. Thanks for the laughs but there were plenty of face palm moments too. Carry on...
  18. Military issue Web belt its what I use. I have three, one black, one tan and one tan riggers like the one parks posted. They allow for any adjustment, are wide and study.
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