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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Just checking. Would hate for you to get screwed in one of those "craiglist/ebay" scams.
  2. Someone was selling a 9mm Sigma. Should check into that. But really, I don't have anything for sale, good luck finding something.
  3. chevysoldier

    Ohio GOP

    Yeah I might want to do a lot of stuff. Doesn't mean I will. The guy assaulted him, for having a video camera in a public place. I could say the republican in the first vid is just so very passionate about what he believes in. Yet I didn't seem him assault anyone.
  4. Did he give you a down payment? would suck to hold it then not sell it.
  5. chevysoldier

    Ohio GOP

    And here is the democrats showing their compassion and self restraint. This sums up the mentality of the left side. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oqIP9yagkQ
  6. Haven't seen him ride the Vrod but heard that about him.
  7. That's sweet. Wish I had some pre 1916 motorcycles.
  8. I did too, but I'm giving it a buddy of mine.
  9. Yeah but there are a few Glenn Beck supporters on here too.
  10. I wanna see the cop's face when you hand that over.
  11. Which is why he'd have to take the long way.
  12. That's exactly what I was gonna say. Once they realize it's fake and get used to it, the number of children getting hit will increase. "But officer, I thought she was just a speed bump."
  13. So you're gonna be there right?? Noon means noon, not like 10 means noon.
  14. :lol: Aww poor Brian. He's never gonna live this shit down. Alright I'm done feeling sorry for him again. lol
  15. Because I like you I will ignore that. All I did was show you where the information you requested could be found. I didn't use any derogatory terms. I see how it is...........................................DICK!! :D
  16. So she got her voice back then?
  17. You're to my left. I could throw you at them. Seems like a better idea to me.
  18. Ah, but by the pic, it won't do a damn bit of good. It isn't loaded.
  19. Hmm, maybe my remote is like the one in "Click" I just hit the pause button when they come towards me.
  20. Your a leftie I take it el capitan?
  21. TV Remote, small table, pillow and blanket. That's bullshit because on my right side is my gun since I am right handed.
  22. She doesn't need a helmet. If she crashes, her lips will cushion the impact.
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