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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Body of 2nd missing US Navy sailor recovered in eastern Afghanistan; US, Afghan officials say

    KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A second U.S. Navy sailor who went missing in a dangerous part of eastern Afghanistan was found dead and his body recovered, a senior U.S. military official and Afghan officials said Thursday.



  2. i just assumed you had already heard and posted it up. im still trying to catch up on todays posts, i figured i would run across it eventually so i never posted up anything about it.

    and i bet this one is going to end in the supreme court. hopefully with az on top

    Yeah, I heard it on the radio today. Figured there might be some people here who cared.

  3. yup i figured you were all over that today? this is why we dont need activist judges legislating from the bench. ;)

    why'd you figure I was all over it?

    I think Arizona prepared themselves for all the harassment they knew they'd get from the fed gov't. No matter what happens, I bet Arizona will come out on top.

  4. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38436995/ns/us_news-immigration_a_nation_divided/

    Judge rules to block provisions of Ariz. law

    PHOENIX — A federal judge stepped into the fight over Arizona's immigration law at the last minute Wednesday, blocking the heart of the measure and defusing a confrontation between police and thousands of activists that had been building for months.

    Coming just hours before the law was to take effect, the ruling isn't the end.

  5. I didn't know, had to go look it up .

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  6. well you are totally welcome! if everyone laughing at my expense turned your shitty day around then it was worth all the time i have spent crying and cutting myself since dickweed made that post ;)

    she logged off but we both lol'ed at that.


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