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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Let me guess, English isn't your native tongue?

    You understood that?

    Fuck. I had to read it twice before I got it.

    lol, yeah I've gotten used to his typing.

    watching the video, i dont think the cop was in the wrong at all

    the kid was clearly looking back behind him, he checked his mirrors twice then did a full turn around...he knew he was caught, and the officer probably assumed the kid knew he was caught due to how he was reacting

    cop pulls in front of him while theyre already at a stop, the guy on the bike then begins to move backwards...at that point, the cop has no idea what the biker is doing, so he draws his gun and keeps it at his side just in case

    if a cop stops you and walks up to your car and you throw it in reverse, you bet your ass theyre going to draw their gun, they have no idea if you have intentions of hitting them, running, or what

    if you actually watch the video from an unbiased standpoint (rest of the story aside), then the cop arguably did nothing wrong aside from not announcing himself right away, but i hardly think that 3 second gap caused this situation, its just the only leg people have to stand on to argue against the cop.

    whether the kid knew the car behind him was a cop or not, we will never know, but it sure as hell looks like he knew he was pinched....if some crazy ass civilian is chasing me in their car, im fucking gone...if a cop is chasing me (over something as small as pulling a wheelie and lane splitting) im not gonna risk running away, which he didnt

    the rider made his mistake when he started backing away from the police officers car

    why is everyone acting like the cop hopped out with his gun aimed at the guy ready to fire? thats not the case

    on a non-related note....the charges brought against this guy are ridiculous, and i do not agree with them at all...the police handled the fallout of all of this horribly, and i will be let down with our justice system if the guy is prosecuted for his camera

    that law applies only to private situations, being pulled over in the middle of the road with people all around you in their cars, is hardly private....i see no problem with him recording in public, and hope the judge sees it the same way

    The unmarked car cut him off. The bike was backing up before the cop got out of the car. I'd be backing up too if some car cut me off and started getting out. For all he knew some guys were gonna jump him for his bike.

    The cop had no reason to pull his gun. He should have identified himself right off the bat. Hand on the gun ready to draw would have been better. three seconds is a lot of time. Enough time for me to draw my gun.

    This is why I am glad in Ohio non marked cars cannot pull people over and we have a one party wiretap law.

    i guess the big marked crown vic sitting behind him wasnt an indication either huh? those damn tricksters

    and the gun was pointed at the ground, not the bike or the rider...watch it again

    You also have no idea when the marked car pulled up or if the rider saw it. I am guessing as soon as the first guy looks that direction and hides his gun is when the second car pulled up.

  2. that is totaly fked up , 15 years for what ? proving that he was threatened by a cop ? who didn't say he was a cop , just pulled his peice ? what if that motoriest was armored and saw the gun ,pulled his and shot that guy ? would he be on fault ?

    the gun was pulled before the guy say he was a police officer ....


    I thought about that too. I wondered if I would have pulled my gun on him.

  3. One more thing that pisses me off about the current administration: UNNECESSARY ROAD PROJECTS! They have been laying shitty chip and seal over more good roads in eastern Ohio where the road is not even in bad condition. I think "F Obama" everytime I see one of those damn "American recovery investment act" signs in front of one of my favorite roads... you know it's never going to be as good of a ride once they get done with it.

    You do know how much was spent for those signs right? :nono:

  4. :plus1: I remember seeing the original vid on youtube. The kid had been speeding or lanesplitting or something on the highway IIRC, then hit the offramp & got stopped in red light traffic at the top. The cop that drew on him was in an umarked car, hopped out & drew his gun before id'ing himself. The kid started to backpedal the bike a bit.... He says out of fear of not knowing who this guy was.... Until the cop identified himself. There was another marked unit at the kid's 5:00, but who knows when it showed up, cause it wasn't immediately on camera, or if the kid even saw it.

    And as soon as the unmarked guy saw the marked guy, he hid his gun behind his body before holstering it. He knew he was wrong. Fuck that piece of shit.

  5. Lol, wut?

    You don't know WHERE the money comes from, you just trust someone "in the know"? :lol:

    You just disqualified yourself to comment on this topic :D

    I didn't ask because it really didn't concern me. And being senior pastors and friends, yeah I trust these people. Take it how you want to.

  6. so you're saying without donations, churches would be able to stay open?

    or is there another form of income i'm not aware of? do churches invest in the stock market (i say this tongue in cheek cause i know many do, as well as other investments).

    A lot of them would be able to stay open. Where they get their money I don't know. Never really asked as it didn't concern me. I just been told this by the people who are in a position to know this information. Don't get me wrong, donations do help a lot, they just aren't usually their main source of income.

  7. That's really how any non-denom church's income happens: donations. I heard that they received a ton more than the original statue cost in a donation drive after it burned down. I wonder just how much of that is going to the community to help out the poor and needy, vs. going to a monument that does nothing but scream LOOK AT HOW RICH AND TACKY WE ARE!

    Really? Donations don't fund the church hardly at all. Donating, or tithing, is what funds a lot of community outreach programs. The donations teach charity and giving. I'd venture to say that most churches would be okay if they got rid of donations. They wouldn't be as big of help in the community, but they would still function.

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