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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I haven't heard anyone argue that he shouldn't have been pulled over. Did I miss that somewhere?

    Actually, the whole civil liberties issue has to do with the recording, not whether he should have been pulled over. If being pulled over was being argued, why would he have the video intact showing his whoolie?

    I think ole eagle eyes is missing part of the picture.

    Yeah, no one has said he shouldn't have been pulled over. But what you, Todd, are saying is it doesn't matter what the cop did. It's the rider's fault for riding dumb. Two wrongs don't make a right.

  2. in addition to the wheelies, he was tripling the speed limit, making improper lane changes, and who knows what else precipitated the blast down the freeway.

    What was the situation PRIOR to the unmarked car pulling him over (he hardly "cut him off" - they were practically stopped when he ducked in front of him)? What did the marked car call in over the radio? Did the rider match the description of a felony suspect?

    I don't think he "continued to back up". I think he had problems holding the bike in one spot. If he was REALLY concerned that the "guy with the gun" intended to do him harm, he'd have dropped the bike getting out of the way.

    Hardly cut him off? Maybe you should go back and watch that video again. The bike was still moving forward when the car got in front of the bike stopping forward motion. Cut off. He didn't flip on his lights and siren to "pull him over" He restricted the bikers forward area.

    And couldn't hold the bike? How many feet did he back up? It's not like he was trying to start on a hill and rolled back a foot before moving forward.

    Yeah a gun pointed at the ground is common police procedure. But most people are gonna freak when some guys gets out of a car and has a gun out. First instinct for most people is the flight part of "flight or fight"

  3. What would I have done in the situation? Hard to say. I do know that I wouldn't have placed myself in the position that the rider placed himself in.

    If I could get inside the rider's head, I'd probably find that he knew exactly what was going on the moment the unmarked cat got out of the car and was at least somewhat aware of the marked car coming up behind him.

    Was the cop over the top? Probably. However, none of it would have happened had he been riding responsibly.

    Actions have consequences. You shitheads here seem miss that most of the time.

    So doing whoolies is grounds for a drawn gun. Also grounds for not making it known immediately he was a cop.

    You say you think he knew right away he was a cop. If that was so, why would he continue to back up?

  4. I forgot that you had one of those GPS thingy's. They're ok, but will still lead you a messed up way sometimes. To get to my house, most of them will lead people down another road, which is partly unpaved to get here, when the other way is a county road in much better condition, and is fewer turns, and I'm pretty sure it's closer.


    Don't try to back pedal on your comment now. Excuses, excuses...:nono:

  5. Shows how smart you 2 fucks are. Dont know the difference between a goat and a sheep.

    ReToddid, do you think the sheep fucker jokes offend me? Nice try but no. I fuck them all the way to the bank. Hmmm, this spring alone I made more off of my sheep than you do working an entire year. Baaa aaaa aaah all the way to baa aaa aank fucktard

    I really did laugh out loud on that one Sam.

  6. all of this "enforce the law consistently" stuff is what causes kids to get expelled from school for having a butter knife.

    well the rules say no knives. they dont make an exception for butter knives. and rules are rules... sorry bout it. :rolleyes:

    people need to use a little more discretion i think.

    another question: is a kid selling lemonade a business?

    Then there should be an exception to the rule. Butter knives allowed. If parents and teachers would teach the kids common sense, respect and personal responsibility, half this shit would be avoided. But little johnny's mom whined when johnny took a swiss army knife in and got in trouble but little sarah didn't get in trouble for a butter knife.

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