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Posts posted by chevysoldier


    Welcome Home

    Cpl Dustin Poland



    Columbus International Airport

    15 June 2010@ 1041 hrs-(10:41 AM )


    Columbus International Airport

    Main Entry 1st Floor Center Information Booth

    15 June 2010@ 0945 hrs-(9:45 AM )

    District #5 Ride Captain Pete Miller is assigned this Welcome Home mission . Please follow his instructions and remember your 3' x 5' American flags.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  2. Dude you should have come. We only had one sprinkle as we were leaving Mt. Vernon, for a whole 3 minutes. It wasn't too bad. Not a face paced ride with twisties or anything. Just an easy laid back one for a great cause. This is one ride that really hits home with me. There is at least one marker there for a fellow trooper from my unit in Iraq so I feel I owe it to him and all the other heroes regardless of the rain or not. This will be pretty much an annual event for me.

    Afterwards was the party at AD Farrow. Live music, drawings, free stuff, hot air balloon, patriotic stuff for sale. It was pretty cool. Make sure you go next year. Oh and I tend to favor the military/patriotic poker runs so if there is another one you would like to go on, let me know and I'll see if I can make it.

  3. Hey Chevy - how many bikes were there today?

    Man I have no idea. When we left AD Farrow I'd say roughly 125ish. When we got back at the end it seemed like the number tripled. One of the head honchos had said something to everyone to the effect of "It's great to see 600 bikes here today." So I'm not really sure. I do know I was one of 6 sportbikes. :D

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