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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Start by putting some oil in it. Next, don't mess with it until you have it back together. THEN, get someone that knows what the fuck they're doing to look it over and possibly redo everything you think you've fixed. Once they've given it the OK, fire it up and ride it off a cliff, making sure you DO NOT jump off it. facepalmua8.gif:wtf::beathorse:


  2. It's a little strange, but the old CS gas didn't bother me in training. I could barely speak, but that's about all. I think it was from having 3 days of it during OSU riots. I got used to it...

    I do not however, want to experience any of the newer.

    It was awful. Lungs, throat and exposed skin burned, eyes stung and teared up, snot hanging out. We had a guy freak so he tried to jump through the window to get out. The window was about 1'x1'. We did have a drill segregant that was used to it. He walked in with no mask and talked like nothing was going on. Stayed in their the whole time. Ah the memories. I'll have to find some of the photos and scan them. :D

  3. Toss my 996 in that mix... we'll see whats up. :rolleyes: Just cuz your bike's big, doesn't mean your balls are...
    Anybody can do a 6th gear roll on. That doesn't mean shit. Can you corner?

    Wow, really? Only 6 posts and you went there? Oh this is gonna be great.

  4. http://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/news/preview-concept/5-new-cop-cars

    Ford plans to close the Canadian factory that produces the Ford Crown Victoria in 2011, spelling the end of production for America's most ubiquitous police car (Crown Vics currently account for approximately three-quarters of all law enforcement fleets). So what will replace it? Several companies are poised to take a bite out of crime, as well as the annual sales market of 65,000 to 75,000 vehicles. The following presents a handful of arresting options. (Note: This compilation does not specify standard features or options, which can include light bars, push bumpers, two-way radios, firearm lockers, high-output alternators, radar guns, spotlights, video cameras, and all the assorted extra equipment that can easily inflate the price of a police car beyond the $70,000 range.)





  5. It sounds like they were suing for defamation. I can't say "ChevySoldier is a lying cheating crook who sells defective engine blocks" if it's untrue.

    the article quoted the lawyer as saying something about the comments being viewed by 5 Ohio residents, thus they were "published" in OH.

    You actually only need ONE person to hear/view a defamatory statement for it to be "published."

    I wouldn't call it an "open door," it's just saying that the internet doesn't remove you from liability if you make recklessly false statements.

    lol. When I first read it I misread it so let me say this.

    If the guy was denied a refund after 8 months and modifying the block and then made comments for the sole purpose of trying to ruin their business then I agree that he should be sued, across state lines. The business did nothing wrong. But both of these points need to be determined if they are true.

    If the business was shady and comments were made for the sole purpose of warning the general public about the bad business, then there is no grounds for the business to sue.

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