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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I'm not sure what door the decision opens, but libel is libel.

    The question here is the venue. As an Ohio business owner I see this as a step in the right direction. Its much more cost effective for me to sue IN Ohio as opposed to bringing suit in the state where the "statements" were made.

    I think they got this one right.

    Yes they should be able to sue across state lines. But suing because negative comments are made online? That I don't agree with.

  2. What happened to freedom of speech? Comments negative or positive, show what kind of business you may be dealing with. If some shop does crap work and comments or WORD OF MOUTH are negative, the business will take this hit, as they deserve. If it is positive, then the business deserve more business as a reward for doing the right thing. This is such bull shit.

  3. sorry but i don't have whips or chains. but chevy has zip ties and rope....

    The hand cuff type too. Nice and strong.

    Whoa wait that wasnt the deal. You said you were gonna mud wrestle me and beat me with a stick not him. Rules sweetie rules.



    Jamie is going to be in a lot of trouble when Chevy gets home. I'm gonna make sure I'm gone when that happens. :D


    What, I check this at work too. :D

    wat the hell? you guys just live in a big orgy or somethin?

    Don't hate.

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