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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. The Supreme Court of Washington State, in State v. Grande, ruled on 17 July, 2008, that "...police cannot arrest passengers simply for being in a car that smells of marijuana. The unanimous decision overturned a 29-year-old precedent allowing police to search or arrest passengers if they smelled pot near a car."

    Read more about it here - warning: lots of legalese (click)

    The Ohio Supremes ruled in September 2000 that the smell of burning (or burnt) hippie lettuce is enough to justify the search of a vehicle and its occupants. That case stemmed from a Pickerington man running a red light in Lancaster.

    A quick Google search seems to show that most state's supreme courts have ruled that the smell of marijuana smoke emanating from a vehicle constitutes probable cause to search the vehicle, but not to matter-of-factly arrest the occupants of the vehicle.

    So, don't hit the chronic when driving. Drugs are bad, mmkay?

    Ah , that's what is was. Thanks for looking out and the clarification. It's way too early to be researching anything. :p

  2. Hindsight... The LEO looked through my car during that stop, without consent. I had nothing to hide, and nothing came of it, but is that allowed?

    Only if he had reasonable suspicion, like you had a bong or an empty 12 pack on the seat next to you. IIRC there was a supreme court case that ruled just the smell of marijuana isn't enough cause to search a vehicle without consent.

    I will not consent to a search even if I do have nothing to hide.

  3. Weird. I guess I always assumed the schools owned the buses and were responsible for hiring the drivers. I guess that means no background checks either?
    Authorities say Williams, a driver for the Urban Express bus company in Columbus
    I mean how many people get a ride in a taxi and actually check to make sure their DL is posted in the window? Or make sure the pilot of your plane isn't drunk.
  4. Good luck on one of those rare classics, I'd like to have one myself if you find two.

    Chevy, google is your friend.

    Yeah, I just haven't seen many people looking for the 400s. More the 600.

    Good luck finding one.

  5. So, you're willing to exchange YOUR freedom to drive any vehicle at any time you choose because it'll keep a bad guy from driving someone else's car?? Willing to pay a higher "price" for a new car with more government mandated "safety" equipment? Willing to forgo the "test drive" because the dealership would have to "reprogram" the car for you to drive it? Bullshit.

    Fuck with the people that fuck up, not those of us that don't.

    No, I am not willing to exchange my freedom for that. I was just being difficult. :p

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