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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. biggest thing is to not get fuel from a station that just had it's tanks refilled. Pumping new fuel inthe tanks causes it to slosh around unsettling dirt, silt and whatever other crap is in it. then that is pumped into your vehicle.

  2. I use BP because they are the cheapest where I am at and I pass the station to and from home. Never gotten any bad gas. Actually I've never gotten bad gas except for a couple military fuelers. Had some that were like 75-90% water. Wasn't put in my stuff though. :D

  3. when I was in high school I worked at a restaurant washing dishes. One day I was sitting just outside th kitchen and saw this family eating. Mom, dad, a kid about 14, a kid about 7 and a baby in a carrier. The mom lit up a cigarette and a few minutes later the kid about 7 got in her mom's purse, grabbed the pack, pulled one out and lit it. Like she had been smoking for years! She was also tending to the baby blowing her smoke on the poor kid. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I'm still flabbergasted to this day when I think about it.

  4. Wow. That dude would have gotten a blanket party for sure.

    yup, there's always one in an Army barracks. That one gets moved around a lot so everyone can enjoy the experience...

    Yes there is. And there is that one that doesn't like to shower either. so you tackle him and scrub him with steel wool. They shower after that.

  5. For the time being he was inciting panic (especially after WV). There are signs posted everywhere saying no firearms on OSU's campus. Honestly if you were on a bus and saw some random guy holding a gun what would you think?

    Some what related note...



    So he was using the gun to induce panic. Actually holding it? Waving it around right? And these buses only run on campus? I haven't been to OSU so I have no idea where they run.

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