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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. What difference does it make if they take away their driver's license or vehicle? This shitbag was already in someone else's truck.

    Case in point - my car got creamed in the company parking lot a couple of years ago. Thankfully, no one was in it. The guy that hit it, however, was drunk, uninsured, driving someone else's car, under suspension, and had minor fender bender earlier in the day, and had been released from jail on a criminal damaging beef earlier in the week because the county lockup was "full".

    Shit like this will continue to happen until they figure out a way to keep asshole's like that from actually driving.

    Grapefruit Spoon > eyeballs.

    Works every time.

    I'd agree with that statement. I've always said they should stack them up like cord wood and toss a lit match at them.

    Every vehicle is required to have finger print or voice identification to be able to be driven.

  2. I think Josh is trying to keep you from meeting me since you just doubled last years post count in a matter of days just talking to me. :D awesome.

    And by the time that night was over they realized they were more like .0005 cent than 50cent. ;)


  3. Wow... this was entertaining. Not sure what to think of all this but "...so are the Days of Our Lives" kept coming into my head for some reason.

    That's why you're getting fat, you watch too many soaps. :lol:

  4. incorrect position of the rear view mirrror between day and night

    I have mine backwards because during the day when I flip it down I can see my kid in the back seat. Flipped up I see through the back window.

    here this sums up every one of mine:


    What about capitalization? ;)

  5. Ya know I find something interesting, not in this situation in particular, just in general. It seems that the courts have gotten tougher on the first time offenders, and not the repeat offenders. I know a couple people that have gotten first offenses recently, and they've had significantly stiffer penalties than I did when I got a DUI about 12 years ago.

    We went through the whole insurance debacle almost 2 years ago. Not fun. The company that the guy worked for that hit the car wanted to total the car, and would not negotiate. We turned it over to my wife's insurance company (this was before we were married), they fixed it, then collected from the other company, including her deductible!

    Good luck with getting this worked out!

    If your thinking of one I'm thinking off, she's only 18, not even legal to drink yet.

  6. Police just dropped off the accident info for us, & shared that this is the guy's FOURTH DUI/OVI!!

    Got some pictures of his truck tonight.... Still waiting for the tow company to let us in their garage to get pix of our car. Ins co is leading me to believe it may be totaled

    That's such bullshit it's his fourth. I don't understand why we allow so much leniency with driving under the influence. HOPEFULLY the legal system will make him pay severely, revoke is license for life and make everything right with you and your family. Stay up on this man, do whatever you can to make sure he doesn't get away with this atrocity.

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