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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Any time I see a sign not allowing me to carry in a place of business I ask for the manager. I explain he's taking guns out of law abiding citizens hands and the bad guys still come in armed. I also explain that I will not patronize his establishment and I am adding his establishemnt to the Do Not Patronize List. It actually worked once. A Donato's Pizza store manager removed the sign.

    I have "No guns, No money" bussiness cards I hand them. also an owners letter from OFCC.org explaining why its a bad idea.

  2. I have sold things on CL before. Some people I have met in public, some people I have come to the apartment. I don't let them inside and am always armed. My hand is either right by the grip or I have actually had it in hand hidden behind the door while I assess the person. My wife is always armed as well as a backup.

  3. Have you actually been pulled over while carrying?

    I have, twice. I immediately put my pistol in center console and pulled out my drivers license and license to carry before LEO approached my vehicle. I then held those two items in my hands which I kept in plain sight, on the steering wheel. When LEO came to truck window I immediately informed him that I was licensed to carry and have a loaded pistol which I placed in the center console.

    One officer asked that I get out keeping hands in plain sight and step to the rear of the truck so I was not near my weapon. He frisked me to be sure it was not on me and then went to his patrol car with my info. He came back, thanked me for being co-operative and sent me on my way.

    Second time I informed officer and he didn't even seem to care. Just asked that I keep my hands on the wheel while we spoke and then see ya later have a nice day.

    Niether one freaked out at all.

    I do have something to add. The one time I was pulled over I immediately pulled over, shut the car off and put my hands on the steering wheel. Before he even pulled me over, by running my plate he already knew I had a CHL. I didn't want to make him even more nervous by moving around a lot. When he approached me, my exact words were "Excuse me officer. I am required to notify you that I have a license to carry a concealed handgun and I am currently armed." He asked me where it was at. "On my right hip at 4 o'clock. He thanked me and continued with the stop. He asked me for my license and registration and I informed him my license was in my wallet right next to my gun. He said that's fine and go ahead and get it for him. Afterwards I thanked him for being professional and we BS'ed for a little bit. Very nice guy. I did not get cited for anything.

    My only other time having to notify was when we called the police for the damages to our satellite dish. I said the exact same thing to this officer and he just did a quick scan of my body and said "Okay, thank you for informing me" I also struck up a conversation with him. We talked about our military experience and firearms. I gotta make good with the Pataskala PD. :D

  4. there are a bunch of kroger up here that have state liquor stores in them. im not sure if that means you cant go into kroger at all, or just cant go into the liquor store section?

    Yeah, those signs are normal. I just stay out of that section and beware of wine tastings. If they are tasting you need to leave and disarm. My understanding is if you have a CHL, that sign doesn't apply to you .Like I said, I carry open or concealed all the time in Kroger. Never had an issue but I stay out of the alcohol isle.


  5. It's just the Cinci area Krogers as of right now. There are many people emailing Kroger about their policy, so much that their servers are being over loaded. This was done a few years ago and got them to change policy. OFCC.com is currently working the issue.

    The Kroger here in Pataskala is not posted and I commonly openly carry and carry concealed. If there isn't a sign posted, I go ahead and carry. The most they can do is ask me to leave.

  6. Thanks for all the pics Chevy. I failed to bring my camera with me this ride so I was hoping someone would snap some.

    I would not say I was sandbagging, it was more keeping an eye on my other bike. I did not want to see that thing slide across the pavement in my mirror. I thought it was a good pace, never felt like I was above 80% ability.

    As far as the Sheriff passing, I was more concerned with the second group since I spotted him right away and was able to go by him at 55 and slow the bikes down behind me. The second group was not able to see us slow down though so I thought for sure someone would have been pulled.

    Todd, we will miss you next month, I hope we won't have a bunch on no shows since you will not be there. :)

    Your welcome, glad I could get a couple. I understand about holding back for the sake of your other bike. ha.

    All of a sudden I saw nothing but bike brake lights and was like "What the heck" then I saw the light bar. Got the speed down somewhat but don't know what he clocked me at. Someone said they saw him watching his radar and shaking his head. Probably too many bikes and too much paperwork to deal with, or he figured he wouldn't be able to catch up.

    As of right now I am in for next month. I've been having so much fun on these ride. Thank you to the CSBA and to you for leading us. You do a fine job.

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