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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Jesus Christ! As many have stated. Not sure what the guy could have done, sitting in a position like that. Gun or not, (which i did not see).

    As i'm sure all cops haven't went out and had a little fun like that. I hope that fucker gets ass raped in prison over and over.

    He'll prob get special treatment, separated from the general population for safety reasons, if he is convicted.

  2. I'd like a couple too, if you have any left.
    I'd like one or two.
    I'd like two.
    I would like to relieve you of two of them as well. PM me with whatever you need from me to send.
    ill take two if you still have some

    PM me your mailing address or let me know if you are close to Pataskala or Johnstown and I can meet you. Or if you will be at the CSBA ride on Saturday let me know.

  3. if we want to play with silly extremes lets skip the orange vest and just go straight to orange jumpsuits. We can make them buy them from the school so they are all 100% the same that way no one can go and get designer orange jumpsuit so that they would feel superior.

    Extremes? You were talking about not all jobs have a strict dress code or uniform so it isn't right to have one at school. So i gave you one a job that doesn't have obe. You gave me a prison inmate uniform, not a job in and of itself.

  4. The question is not if they should, the question is what is that standard? That is what we disagree on.

    And the standard as an adult changes all the time. My last job jeans and a t-shirt was standard wear all the time in the office. Where I am at now, jeans are only acceptable on Fridays.

    Again I want to say, sense it keeps getting lost, is this is not a question of if there should be a standard, but what the standard should be.

    Trashmen get to wear dirty stinky clothes and a orange vest, we should make them wear that. :rolleyes:

  5. actually I am very professional in what I do, and my appearance at work. And why do you attack me? Do you know me? Do you know anything about what I do and how I do it? Yet you try to speak about it like you do.

    Again you aregument is if the school allows anything more then the very strick dress code, then all the kids will come to school looking like hookers and gang bangers. I doubt this is the case.

    Please state where I said very strict dress codes. I asked you if you were expected to show a professional experience at work. Why shouldn't you be held to the same standard at school when you are being prepared for the "real world"

  6. Khakis and a Polo seems very much like a uniform to me

    Let me guess, did you get beat up for wearing your club outfit to work? You mean it's better not to wear it because it isn't professional looking? Anymore school isn't a professional place. Like someone else said, it's a place to let the kids go during the day until they are 18. And then they go into the work force, wear their club gear to their job and get their teeth kicked in. OR

    We could teach them that school is their job and they are expected to learn. Showing off clothing isn't why their are their. I don't care if it's a uniform or a dress code. We allow the kids to do whatever they want and then thats all they know. So when they do grow up they don't understand what it means to be professional in what they are doing and they end up thinking like you.

  7. See better is a matter of opinion. I think it is better to have a basic dress code (common sense basically, yea I know it is not that common) for kids in school and you think it is better to have them wear a uniform. Now who is right? In the end we may never know, because both options have good and bad to them. My son goes to a school that has a common sense dress code, and if they change that, I will move him to another school, as a parent, that is my choice. The ironic part of all this, is my son is much much more conservative than me. He gets on me when I club gear or even when I was still playing roller derby and would be in my derby gear.

    Do you wear club gear to work? What do you do for a living?

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