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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I went to sign my Dogs up for welfare and the lady said, Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare. I explained that they are mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no clue who their Daddys are. They expect me to feed them, provide them with housing and medical care. So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify. They get their checks Friday. Damn this is a great country.


    Confirmed Mission

    SSG Ryan P. Lozier, 30

    Middletown, Ohio

    US Army Rangers

    Casualty of Operation Enduring Freedom

    Died 06 May 2010

    Honor Escort:

    Dayton International Airport

    13 May 2010@2045hrs-(8:45 PM )


    Fuel Tanks on Cargo Road

    13 May 2010@1900hrs-(7 PM )


    Breitenbach-McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home

    517 South Sutphin Street

    Middletown, Ohio 45044

    14 May 2010@1600-2100hrs-(4-9 PM )


    Breitenbach-McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home

    14 May 2010@1500hrs-(3 PM )


    Breitenbach-McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home

    15 May 2010@1100hrs-(11 AM)


    Breitenbach-McCoy-Leffler Funeral Home

    15 May 2010@0930hrs-(9:30 AM )

    Interment: Woodside Cemetery, following the Services

    Ohio State Captain Bob Woods is assigned this Mission of Honor and Respect, Please follow his instructions..We have several missions going on at the same time here in Southern Ohio, we needs all members to turn out to help support our missions. Again, please help. Remember your 3'x5' American Flags. Dress per the weather conditions.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  3. I dont want to do anything to him. My sole purpose for the website is to meet new people to ride with and make friends. I tried to be straight with the kid when I first signed up joking and around but the boy has a bad attitude, it may be the military in me but I dont really put up with alot of hassling I get down to bussiness. I flex my rights: Right to have my day in court, right to say what I want within reason, right to carry a concealed firearm. Getting a bit over the top here. I really personally think it was an idiot mistake, my life has alot more to offer me than 170 or 150 whatever. I still speed but not like that anymore. Hell I tried to trade for the mean streak in the bike shop so I could slow down! Cant blame me, everybody has a derp moment.

    Settle down high speed. There's a lot of people on here that have lost friends from motorcycle accidents, or people that have been seriously hurt. Even you admit it was idiotic to do, but the original post seemed to many that you were bragging and that's why you are getting harassed.

    What really bother's me now is it seems like you get hot headed easily. Threatening to bust someone in the mouth isn't cool especially being military. You should hold yourself to a higher standard for that simple fact and have the self restraint you were taught.

  4. Welcome to the forum Ninja14! No biggie on the ticket but there's a babe around here named Busa Hauty you gotta meet!


    I think alot of people on here are a few different things. But before I begin let me just say first that I was just posting somthing motorcycle related because I saw a similar article and thought hell why not if I got to pay the $415. I dont believe I'm a pro or an expert just somebody that runs the numbers every once and a while. I dont think nor suppose it was badass... I KNOW IT WAS. NO NO really im just kidding. Ok anyways I digress, about the people, :popcorn: Oh and BTW thanks for welcoming me.

    You know, it may have been a little bit of a different reaction had you posted "Don't be a dumbass like me and run from the the cops. This is what it'll get you" Posting crap like this makes you look like a tool and really pretty dumb. But whatever floats your boat.

    Anyone have any theoretical strategies on "running from da fuzz". I've always imagined the scenario where I'm riding on the highway a little over the limit, spot a cop without reacting quickly enough to slow down, and then anticipate him lighting me up. If someone were to attempt losing him, what would be your strategy? (in an imaginary world of course) I have perfected this art in GTA Vice City however!


    Running isn't the best idea, IMHO. Think about getting a speeding ticket vs. an impounded bike, your ass beat, reckless op, speeding, fleeing and eluding, among other shitty charges. Is it worth it?
    Exactly. It's near impossible to out run the radios and helos.
    Except none of that ever happened to me. Play the hand your dealt. I've pulled over for huge violations and ran for the smallest, just depends on the situation and if i think i can get away. im 14/15, so I like my odds.
    Wow. Really? And you wonder why people are calling you out and telling you you're a tool? Lets run from the cops because you ran a stop sign or something else minor? Yeah Let's risk wrecking, getting tased and/or shot, going to jail, getting some male butt lovin, license suspended and outrageous insurance rates. Makes a lot of sense to me.
    Damn i wish I had a 14 so I could maybe one day see triple digits. That would be awesome!!

    So when is the super awesome party happening? I have lots of lady friends that would want to come over and take a dip in your tub that is hot. I have to ask tho, does it matter if they have all their teeth? Hope not. Trust me, you will like it ;)!


  5. Consider his e-Ass e-Kicked :D

    Though I do take offense to "Harrassing her" -- since when was being Facebook friends 'harrassment'? I haven't even so much as "Like"d anything she's posted. :(

    Actually there was that person that got in trouble for poking someone on FB that had a restraining order against them . lol

  6. I would think someone like her would be afraid to voice her opinion so loudly....... I mean.... she's not only telling law abiding people that she doesn't believe in guns....... she's telling criminals also........ If your a criminal and looking for a safe place to break into.......... she may as well put up neon lights proclaiming her vulnerabilty!

    But she truly believe high gun regulation will take the guns out of criminals hands. And a law abiding citizen like myself who either openly carries or carries concealed is just a criminal who hasn't committed a crime yet. People like me are just as dangerous as the criminal who kills a bunch of people.

    Maybe it's reverse psychology and she actually loves guns so much she's just throwing the bait out for a criminal to bust into her place so she can riddle them with bullets.

    That sounds good but judging the way she was talking I highly doubt that is the case. I already told her that when she is face to face with a bad guy with a gun that wants to kill her, I will not use by gun to save her.

  7. I made a DVD of our wedding photos. Took it to my inlaws and the song that started playing for the menu was Tenacious D's "Fuck Her Gently" This was the first time meeting her parents since we got married in Cali and shes from PA. That went over well. I really don't know how it got put on there.

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