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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I am not saying hold them to a lower standard, I am saying teach them to think and make the right choices, don't shove it down their mouths and expect them to take it as gospel. Uniforms do not teach them to make good choices, it teaches them to stay in line and not stick out and not think independently.


    Oh yes, people shouldn't stay in line, not in school of all places. Because staying in line in school wouldn't foster a learning environment. And in that kind of environment people would never do anything to change the world. I feel much better when my investment manager comes to me wearing holey jeans and a "elvis isn't dead" tshirt.

    Heaven forbid we try to change it, yea been there, done that, got the the shit beat out of me literally more then once

    Then you are obviously doing it wrong. I've never gotten beaten up for trying to change something for the better.

  2. actually I did get what you where going for, but I gave up trying to change the world years ago. The world is generally a shit hole, most of the people with the power will screw over anyone to keep the power, and if you rock the boat too much you get kicked in the teeth.

    So explain to me why holding HS kids to a higher, adult standard is a bad thing?

    Yes, the world is shit and we just want to lay back and do nothing because that's just the way things are. Heaven forbid we try to make the world better. Those people just get kicked in the teeth.

  3. I am not saying it is right or wrong. I am just saying that is how a large chuck of the corporate world works.

    Appearances matter is the point, and if you don't let kids learn that on their own in a semi controlled environment (AKA School) they will just have to learn it later in life when it bites them in that ass

    that went over your head didn't it. Maybe if we taught kids, when they are impressionable, that it is not right and held them to a standard they would expect to see in the real world it would take hold and adults in corporate america wouldn't act like children.

    By your mentality we should let kids do whatever they want to so they can get it out of their systems, in a semi controlled environment, because this has nothing to so with how they will act as adults. Maybe life should be biting them in the ass now when they are young!! It wouldn't have to later in life.

  4. does one click pick on the other, yes they do. I tend to always end up on the neutral ones, but I see it day in and day out. The "popular" people talk shit and maneuver against the less popular people. And it is funny how more times than not you can tell the difference by what they wear and drive.

    Oh it that case it's okay to do that. You know we shouldn't teach kids it wrong when their minds are impressionable. Man we used to throw eggs at cars in HS, it's okay to do that now as an adult?

    Is that all you have to come back with?

  5. yeah, that would be nice. but unfortunately high school does absolutely zero to prepare a student for college or real life. its just to keep you off the street until you are 18.

    Exactly John. No one is held accountable in HS anymore. If a kid gets punished, the teacher gets suspended. Instead we let 18 year olds out into the real world who still act like children.

  6. It has gun sites with info to check out, gun safety rules, what you are required to do when stopped by law enforcement, the forbidden carry zones on ohio, states that honor your CHL, and the motor vehicle laws.

    Its a nice reminder of stuff to keep with you.

  7. The over the top crazy shit they wear as a rebellion for being forced in uniforms 6 days a week.

    6 days a week? How many hours a day? Is it close to our kids that attend 5 days a week? I wore uniforms in grade school, we didn't rebel and look like trash outside of school. But we were a whole lot better educated and mature than when I went to HS with no uniform and a very lenient dress code. How many job interviews have you gone to wearing an what those girls you posted are wearing?

  8. when was the last time it mattered? Most of my adult life including where I am at with the State now. The software company I was at before that, and the major bank I was at before that. All 3 environments was VERY HS like, right down to the clicks and who you eat lunch with.

    Let not confuse the subject of uniform vs dress code. I do not agree with the girls that show up looking like hookers or the jack asses with the pants 3 sizes too big, but pushing to uniforms is just plain dumb. Kids keep showing up out of BASIC dress code fine the parents

    and as far as dress codes working, maybe to some extent, but look that the ugly side of that, check out Japan and what their kids look like when they are not in school.

    Did you guys go to the corner to watch fights? Did you beat someone up for the car they drive? If you are late 2/3rds of the year do they still let you come in to work? Did you support all your own expenses in HS?

    Your "clicks" you refer to are people who think the same way and enjoy the company. Do you harass and beat up the other clicks?

    What you are thinking equates to HS is just life in general.

    Yes there are jobs that require uniforms, this is true. There are places I am sure where what you you are dressed in does not matter, but there is a hell of a lot of jobs where it does.

    Yes, that's what I said, so you have a problem with dress codes' uniforms why?

    Maybe if we wouldn't let kids run rampant and teach them to become adults in HS than the real world would act like a bunch of high schoolers.

    And how in the world are you gonna compare us to Japan? Or lifestyles and mentality are totally different. You might as well say look at pigs they like to roll in mud to cool off, that should work for a butterfly.

  9. it just prepares them for real life, where it does matter what you wear and what brand is on your shirt or what not. High School never ends, the building just changes.

    that's just it, high school does end, then the real world hits. How many jobs are there that don't have a uniform or dress code? My life is nothing like high school, is yours? when was the last time it mattered what was on your shirt?

  10. My wife ordered some and she got a ton of them, more than she had expected. So if anyone needs a couple let me know. I have at least 100 of these so here I am offering them up again.

    Edit: I will have some of these at the CSBA ride so you can get with me there if you are going as well. Just let me know .


  11. Last Saturday morning was not a great day for anything outdoors. I had my hood from my Carhart jacket up and the brass still got me.

    I am going Wednesday with my dad so he buy his own first target rifle, a Remington 597. He has called me like 12 times since Saturday talking about it.

    Isn't dad supposed to get the sons into the hobby, not the other way around?

    lol, I know what you mean. I've gotten my dad more into guns, gun rights and concealed carry.

  12. Oh, and I got 2 "gun hickeys" on my neck. That stinking semi-auto launch 2 pieces of spent hot brass on my neck. I though I had my hood up high enough to prevent that from happening.

    lol. When I was in the Army we would qualify with our rifles and the ranges were set up so each shooter was just a couple of feet away. It really sucks when you are laying in the prone position and the other guys brass lands on your neck and you just sit there and let the shit burn you because it's a timed qualifying event. As soon as that one would cool off, another would land on your neck. :lol:

  13. I don't have a problem with a dress code. I had one 1st through 8th. Sure it was easy to get dressed in the morning but it also gets rid of distractions, envy, hate, levels the income playing field and makes for a more professional learning environment. You don't go to school to check out girls butts, or compare shoe brands or make a statement against something. You are in school to learn and how to learn.

    As a counter argument, now they have to buy certain clothes that some don't own. Go to Goodwill or Wal-mart. Or being held down by the school and a lack of identity. This goes back to what school is for.

  14. dude, Lawrence Fishburne might was well be be the black Chuck Norris.

    He can kick any kind of ass he wants...

    HAHA, never heard that one before. What would happen if Lawrence Fishburne and Ckuck Norris were to fight?

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