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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. i hate arguments like these because it means you're relying on the caliber of a gun rather than your training. Suppose you get in a gun fight, are you going to fire just one shot? Are you going to not try and group your shots in center mass? Yes a .45 has more stopping power, but rarely does a bullet just incapacitate someone so much so that it knocks them down and they cant return fire. I'm pretty sure you carry some nice .380 hollow points and put about 3 holes in someone's chest (because the time to fire 1 shot vs. 3 is miniscule to the trained shooter) you'll come to find the .380 does a great job. Don't rely on the caliber of the gun, rely on your training and preparedness. A .45 caliber doesn't mean shit if you can't hit what you're aiming for.

    I understand your point and was not trying to make excuses for relying only on caliber size. But even if I could hit a dime at 500yds with a .22 pistol doesn't mean I am gonna carry one for self defense. Me personally, I will use either a .40 or .45, just so happens my carry is .45 with hollow points. That doesn't mean I don't train.

  2. Anyone that open carries a gun is an asshole and is just looking to get shot. I can't believe someone would actually open carry a gun. Just because you have the right doesn't mean you should exercise that right. I think you should pay for the class' date=' pay for the license, pay for the background check and then conceal your gun whenever possible. Then, when you are confronted by the police, you should immediately inform them you are carrying so that they are aware you are potentially dangerous.. even though statistics show you are not a threat.

    I just don't understand why someone would choose to exercise their constitutionally PROTECTED, not provided, right to open carry a firearm when they could.. almost.. just as easily infringe on themselves by doing everything I suggested above.[/quote']

    I have openly carried a couple of times, nothing major but have had no incidents. I am careful of where I do OC though. I have been reading up very thoroughly on the subject and think every situation is different. I am more likely to OC in my home town because I know the police. I'm going to CC in Easton because I don't want anyone to know and to attract unwanted attention.

  3. 45 has lots of knock down to it but lower penetration, 40 has better penetration and slightly lower knock down. This is why the majority of police use a .40. I personally know of 3 police departments that issue a M&P .40

  4. Happens to me all the time...

    My favorite occasion of this is when I looked up the road and seen a LEO at the next red light... I flipped my sheild up, blew the driver's g/f a kiss and revved the hell out of the bike like i was ricky racer....

    light turned green he took off like a bat outta hell and was immediately pulled over, I rode by at the speed limit and beeped.:D

    That's awesome.

  5. Final Itinerary

    Confirmed Mission

    GySgt Robert L. Gilbert II ,28

    Richfield, Ohio

    2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion,

    Marine Special Operations Regiment, US Marine Corps Special Operations Command,

    Camp Lejeune N.C.

    Casualty of Operation Enduring Freedom

    Wounded 08 March 2010 Died 16 March 2010

    of wounds sustained in Badghis province, Afghanistan

    To the family and friends of Gunny Gilbert , please accept my sincere condolences on your tragic loss.

    Honorable Escort Staging:

    IX Center Corporation

    IX Center Drive

    Cleveland, Ohio 44135

    23 March2010@1300hrs-(1PM)

    Visitation :

    Catavolos Funeral Home

    3653 West Market Street

    Fairlawn, Ohio 44333

    27 March 2010@1400-2000hrs-(2-8PM)


    Funeral Home

    27 March 2010@1300hrs-(1PM)


    Revere High School

    3420 Everet Road

    Richfield, Ohio 44286

    28 March 2010@100hrs-(10AM)


    Revere High School

    28 March 2010@0900hrs-(9AM)

    Interment: Brimfield

    District # 3 Captain Ralph Bago is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect, please follow his instructions and remember your 3 x 5 American Flags. This is a long Visitation so please relieve your fellow PGR members on the flag line.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

  6. The rain blows, but the coolest riding experience I ever had was riding at night in a thunderstorm. Lightning at night + Speed = teh awsumz

    I had to do that once. Back when he had the really heavy rain and wind, last fall I think it was. I did about 20-30mph the whole way dodging tree branches and huge puddle across the roads. Then I get to 161 on 310 on the over pass. Nice wide open, raised area when this huge bolt of lightening happened and I almost crapped myself.

  7. Confirmed Mission

    SSG Richard J. Jordan, 29

    Cincinnati, Ohio

    1st Battalion,36th Infantry Regiment,

    1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss, TX

    Casualty of Operation Iraqi Freedom

    Died 16 March 2010

    Honor Escort Staging :

    Delta Air Elite Center

    2042 Tower Drive

    Erlanger, Kentucky

    25 March 2010@ 0900hrs -(9 AM)


    Allen Temple AME Church

    7030 Reading Road #316

    Bond Hill, Ohio 45237-1755


    27 March 2010@ 1000hrs -1100hrs-( 10-11 AM)


    27 March 2010@ 1100hrs


    Allen Temple AME Church

    27 March 2010@ 0900hrs-(9:00AM)


    Crown Hill Memorial Park

    Following the services

    SSG Jordan lost his life in a vehicle roll-over in Mosul, Iraq. Please keep his wife and two daughters and the rest of his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.

    Ohio State Captain Bob Woods/ District # 7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton are assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow their instructions and remember your 3 x 5 American Flags and dress per the weather conditions. In the event of inclement weather please use your own judgment on how you get safely to the mission.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  8. Confirmed Mission

    Sgt Richard Tobias, 87

    Toledo, Ohio


    WWII/Korean War Veteran


    H.H. Birkenkamp Funeral Home

    3219 Tremainsville Road

    Toledo, Ohio 43613

    27 March 2010


    H.H. Birkenkamp Funeral Home

    27 March 2010@ 1500-2000hrs-(3-8 PM)


    District #1 Captain Jon Williams is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions . Remember your 3 x 5 American Flags.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

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