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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. everyone goes down. just dont agree with the idea of acting like we are safe just because we have gear on. its all a game of chance. But thats part of why we all ride is we enjoy the risk the chance of life the idea of living it to the fullest and not just hiding for risks.

    Oh no, I'm not saying wearing the magical helmet will keep me from breaking my neck. But I know with gear I have a better chance reducing injury if/when I go down. <knock on wood>

    I love riding, part of it being the adrenaline and risk of it. If I wasn't okay with the price, I wouldn't play the game.

  2. So whats everyones policy on highway waving? Do you wave acorss the median? Someone waved at my wife and I today like that....?

    Depends on the median, I'm not going to go out of my way to wave. But if he is near enough and it's safe enough I'll probably wave. I was caging it one time behind a HD guy. He would throw his arm as high as he could to wave at the other riders. I won't take it that far.

  3. Okay. My ugly ass has something to say.

    if you were on a reality game show and one of your tasks was to get pushed out of a moving vehicle on to any given asphalt road in your neihborhood at 30mph how would you prepair for that? would you do it in shorts" tee shirt? NAHHHH....

    you would gear up wouldn't you? Hell you would go over board. Stuff an over sized leather jacket with foam, elbow pads. hockey gear, and make sure not a single part of you is oncovered RIGHT?

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it :)

    well all im going to say on that is that we do still live in a free country to do what we want even if it means making the wrong decision in others minds as long as it dosnt harm someone else. So that said Im not one of the homers to make fun of someone else for riding with out gear its on them it dosnt harm me in any way. now some day this could end up a dictatorship and you can be first in line for that. :D

    Yeah you can ride with just a thong and eye protection if it pleases you. But everyone always thinks, "It won't happen to me. It can't. I gots the mad skillz." Everyone on the board knows the benefits to gear. Some are just more willing to accept a greater risk than others. If you want to ride it flip flops and a tank top down the freeway, that's your choice but I'm still gonna call you an idiot.

    Like I said I have ridden without my jacket on very short trips. I have ridden without a helmet while testing and tuning my bike. I know I can still go down on very short rides but it is a risk I accepted. I still know that it would be in my best interest to wear all my gear, all the time.

  4. I can say i dont like wearing my gloves much.

    I can't stand to not wear gloves, it feels really awkward and less comfortable actually.

    I feel a little self conscious about wearing leather pants if I'm heading somewhere. But you do have a choice if you want to look normal. Check these jeans out at the Iron Pony. I have a pair and I'm getting another in the darker shade. They have heavy denim and Kevlar panels sewn to the inside. Plus they look good. IP has them for $100 now but you can find them online for about $95 shipped. If (and I hope you never do) go down, it will be the BEST money you ever spent and they look great.

    I need to get a pair of pants. If I am actually going on a ride and not just to work I have a pair of dickies I'll wear, they are the strongest I have.

  5. the tank is metal....no plastic (thank goodness)

    Ohhhhhh, I see. My 600 has a a plastic cover over the metal tank so a magnetic bag is a no go for me. And I don't think I can strap one on very easily. Guess I'll continue my search for a tail bag.

  6. I saw this on my way to work this morning as well. I pulled up next to the guy to let him know his tail/brake light weren't working. He was appreciative.

    but my question to anyone who rides w/o a helmet is, "how do you check your blind spot without your sunglasses blowing off your face?"

    I trust my mirrors about as much as I trust social security to pay for my retirement.

    Sunglasses strap?

    I have ridden without a helmet but only when test riding the bike at the shop. Light traffic and I know the road very well.

    I always wear boots, jeans and gloves. I have been guilty of not wearing my jacket but its never longer than about a mile. Yeah yeah, you can go down anywhere, I know.

    I saw a dude on a sportsbike riding through Johnstown with his helmet strapped to the back seat/fender.

  7. Backpack

    I hate wearing one while I ride.

    i carry it like i do everyday. IWB behind the hip. never leave it behind.

    Oh I plan on carrying it, just wondered what other peoples experiences and recommendations on how to were.

    I carry a lot while riding. With the trigger guard completely covered in the holster I don't really worry about it going off during a wreck.

    I'm not afraid of it going off, just landing on the thing, that could really hurt.

  8. I just cant do it because thinking about that thing smashing into me in a wreck scares me!

    I've been thinking the same think about crashing but then what's the point of not carrying? I mean bad stuff can happen anywhere, I don't want to need and not have.

  9. The law when riding was not very clear, so I did not carry until the laws changed last year.

    I just carry like I normally would, the glock is not going to fire unless someone fires it.

    What wasn't clear about it?

    depends how long the ride is.... 90% of the time I use my kholster at 4 oclock.... 3 if I have a passenger.

    The other 10% it's a shoulder harness

    Didn't even think about a shoulder harness. That might be the way to go. I also worry about my jacket coming up and exposing it while I ride. Don't want to draw unwanted attention from either civilians or LE.

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