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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. The Patriot Guard Riders has been invited to pay honor and respects to USA Army WWII Veteran Thomas Norman Stout, 88, who passed away on 02/09/2010.

    Visitation will be at the American Legion Post 639, 208 Main Street, Claysville, PA 15323 on Thursday (03/11/20) and Friday (03/12/10) from 2PM to 4PM and 7PM to 9PM.

    Interment will be on Saturday (03/13/2010) at 11:00 AM at the West Finley Cemetery located 10 miles outside of Claysville.

    Staging for Thursday and Friday will be at 12:15 PM at the Exxon gas station located at Exit 6 of I-70 (Claysville exit). The flagline to be setup at 12:40 PM (the family is expected to arrive at 1:00 PM).

    Staging for Saturday will be at the above mentioned Exxon gas station at 10:00 AM and flagline setup at 10:20 AM. Escort to the Cemetery will follow the 11:00 AM services at the American Legion.

  2. Punching a couple holes in a piece of paper and sitting through a couple hours of lecture doesn't prepare you to face an attacking gunman.

    I've never said anything supporting the banning of guns. I simply disagree with those that think a CHL makes you a villain-stopping superhero.

    Hell, watch a few episodes of cops- there are numerous police officers who are trained to handle a gunfight that are unable to hit their attacker.

    Slow down, I was just curious as to how many where CHL holders. I would hope none because carrying a gun in a bar is illegal in Ohio.

    what about the hundreds (probably thousands) of times armed citizens stopped crimes ? too bad they arent covered by the media like this

    True story.

    See' date=' here's where we disagree. I think CCW is a violation of my 2nd Amendment right.[/quote']

    I'm not ready to make a decision on that yet. I do believe not allowing open carry is a violation of my 2A. I need to think, research more on it.

    Huh? I said I don't think CCW is the only solution to violent crime. I said nothing about taking your guns.

    CCW isn't the answer, guns are.

  3. my fiances sister when she had her kid she was not pooping nearly as much, i guess with breast milk they poop a lot. im not complaining just saying, you know how poop smells gross to some people? well i learned to ignore it. It actually doesn't smell as half as bad as it did when i first started changing them :lol:

    I know what you mean. I did fine with my daughter, who will be 3 in June, until one day she puked while my wife was holding her. It went in my wifes mouth. So I took her and between the awful smell and my wife puking, I got sick. That was probably worse than her diapers. :lol: I remember thinking when she was on formula and breast milk how nasty her diapers were, then when she started on baby food I wished she was back on the formula. haha

  4. congrats. I just became dad about month ago to a little girl too :) so far shes been a little angel. except for the shity diapers and waking up at like 6am. other then that im loving it. Congrats again and best of luck to you with changing 1005580943658493 dirty diapers a day :)

    Only a month and your complaining about diapers? Wait until she starts eating real foods, that's when the fun starts. :rolleyes:

  5. http://www.thefoxnation.com/nancy-pelosi/2010/03/09/we-have-pass-bill-so-you-can-find-out-what-it

    You’ve heard about the controversies within the bill, the process about the bill, one or the other. But I don’t know if you have heard that it is legislation for the future, not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America, where preventive care is not something that you have to pay a deductible for or out of pocket. Prevention, prevention, prevention—it’s about diet, not diabetes. It’s going to be very, very exciting. But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy. . . .



    Confirmed Mission

    SSG Shelia Clara Taylor, 48

    Cincinnati, OH

    US Army Active Duty

    79th Ordnance Battalion(EOD) Ft. Hood Texas


    Allen Temple AME Church

    7080 Reading Rd

    Cincinnati, Ohio 45237

    Visitation: 11 March 2010@ 1000 -1100hrs -(10-11 AM)

    Services: 11 March 2010@1100hrs-(11AM)


    Allen Temple AME Church

    11 March 2010@ 0900 hrs- (9:00 AM)


    Spring Grove Cemetery

    Following the Services

    Please remember to keep SSG Taylor and her family in your prayers. SSG Taylor lost her battle with Cancer.

    District # 7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions and remember your 3x5 American flags. In the event of inclement weather use your own judgment on how you get safely to the mission..

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders



    Confirmed Mission

    PO2 Don Mc Allister, 78

    Yellow Spring, Ohio

    US Navy

    Korean War Veteran

    Services :

    Yellow Springs United Methodist Church

    202 South Winter Street

    Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387

    12 March 2010@1500hrs-(3-PM)


    Yellow Springs United Methodist Church

    12 March 2010@1400hrs-(2PM)

    District #7 Ride Captain Ron Johnson is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please dress per the weather conditions and remember your 3x5 American Flags. In the event of inclement weather please use your own judgment on how you get safely to the mission.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain


    Confirmed Mission

    T-5 Charles May

    Hebron, Ohio

    US Army WWII Veteran


    Boring-Sheridan Funeral Home

    108 North 7th Street

    Hebron, Ohio 43025

    09 March 2010@ 1700-2000 hrs - (5-8 PM)

    Directions: http://chenurl.com/cx (21 characters, Go »


    Boring -Sheridan Funeral Home

    09 March 2010@1600hrs- ( 4 PM)


    Boring - Sheridan Funeral Home

    10 March 2010@ 1300 hrs ( 1 PM)


    Boring- Sheridan Funeral Home

    10 March 2010@ 1200 hrs ( 12 PM)


    Glen Rest Estates

    District # 5 Ride Captain Pete Miller is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect, please follow his instructions. Remember your 3' x 5' American flags. Dress per the weather conditions. In the event of inclement weather please use your own judgment on how you get safely to the mission.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders


    Confirmed Mission

    PFC Donn J Schuman, 60

    Montpelier, OH

    US Army Vietnam Veteran


    Thompson Funeral Home

    204 East Main Street

    Montpelier, Ohio 43543-1132

    10 March 2010@1400-1600hrs&1800-2000hrs

    (2-4 PM) (6-8 PM)

    Directions: http://chenurl.com/cy (21 characters, Go »


    Thompson Funeral Home

    10 March 2010@ 1300 hrs(1:00 PM)


    Thompson Funeral Home

    11 March 2010 @ 1100hrs- (11 AM)


    Thompson Funeral Home

    11 March 2010@1000hrs-(10AM)


    Riverside Cemetery

    Following the Services

    District # 1 Ride Captain Al Lennox is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect, please follow his instructions and remember your 3' x 5' American flags. Dress per the weather conditions. In the event of inclement weather please use your own judgment on how you get safely to the mission. Remember if you ride your bike cars are not use to us as of yet.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders


  10. That's bullshit.

    Remember that shooting in the bar in toledo?

    5 gunmen, at least 20 shots, NO injuries.

    Having a gun in your pocket or on your hip doesn't mean you are equipped to use it effectively.

    How many of them were CHL holders? I don't remember.

    Side note:

    Maybe we need to outlaw guns and gun manufacturers. That would alleviate all the gun violence problems. :rolleyes:

  11. Kroger's doesn't allow: http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=80071&highlight=kroger

    And I believe Walmart doesn't allow guns, mostly because of a screwed up ohio law about alcohol and guns? (Obviously it's screwed up since they also sell guns, lol.)

    No sign posted in a conspicuous location=CC.

    Uhmm, you're WAY off on Walmart... they 100% allow carry, open and concealed

    Also, the thing you posted for Kroger is 6 years old... trust me brotha, things have changed.

    What he said.

    Pretty sure Wal-Mart policy is to mimic the laws of the state that particular store is in. I do believe they also leave the final decision to the store manager' date=' but don't quote me.[/quote']

    Yep. Wal-Mart abides by the laws of the state they are located in. CC is legal in Ohio therefore CC in legal in a Wal-Mart in Ohio.

    Sure' date=' but if the manager tells you to GTFO you need to GTFO.. regardless of company policy. That's what I was trying to say.[/quote']


  12. Well, if your of the type that feels safe with a gun, and has the initiative to go out, get a CCW, and all thats involved with the lifestyle that the majority of people I know who actually have one, they would be. I don't know anyone who has a CCW who doesn't go shoot regularly, and isn't what I'd call an on there toes kind of person who'd be able to think clearly in that type of situation. Hearing a gunshot doesn't even faze me. there are people out there who will panic and otherwise when a gun shot is heard. These people do not have CCW's and most often arn't interested in seeing a gun, let alone carrying one. On the other hand those that do have CCW's arn't bothered by gunshots. I believe the vast majority of CCW holders would semi calmly asses the situation, take cover, and go from there

    Agreed 100%.

  13. This is why I avoid going anywhere I cannot carry. Police are not responsible for my safety, I AM. If I were in the situation this morning without a gun I have almost no chance of defending myself against the gunman. If I was carrying I at least have a better chance of defending myself. Given the circumstance maybe I would only have a second to draw to defend but that s still a better chance than without being armed.

  14. I somehow sense some sarcasm there, but I will say that unless there's an officer with me as a personal escort 24/7 I will never thing of them as an entity which is there to 'protect' me.

    No offense to those officer out there of course.

    Same reason people have fire extinguishers. Firefighters can't be there right away, neither can LEOs.

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