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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I believe they CAN choose to, but if they cause an accident the city will be liable legally... but then again cops can do whatever they want right?

    What's the point in having an R1 over a Harley then? I'm sure they would keep their distance but I doubt he would give up on chasing another sportsbike or just a car for that matter.

  2. :lol @ Flounder

    Yeah, those guys were all idiots. I didn't really want to post the whole thing, because I know we have all probably seen them enough. I just was curious how that dude crashed. It's like the bike "Ok, that's it. Get the fuck off" I actually like watching them to learn what not to do, other than not being a dumbass. :lol:

  3. I was kinda hoping it would be like the one where the cop is talking to the woman on the shoulder of the road, an 18 wheeler rear-ends her car and sent it flying... shes just standing there like "WTF!?!?"

    Did you see the one where the cop was standing there, I think helping a women change a tire and an 18 wheeler tire came flying past him? It actually came so close it scuffed up his gun holster.

  4. Looked kinda like he was trying to do a rolling burnout, dumped the clutch with too much front brake. :dunno:

    I've been looking for that footage where the guy falls off and the other guy jumps on the bike and saves it (3:51)....now if I could find the whole video of it, classic!

    Damn, I just saw it. It might be in that video^^^

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