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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I am sure I would be able to adjust, but i think even with ear protection, the other shooters firing might break my focus. I am not sure since I have not been to a range before. Kinda like other loud noises in the shop,makes you jump when you are not expecting it.

    But that is a good thing, having other noises to distract you. If you were CC'ing and had to draw on a bad guy, if a car wrecks beside you, you don't want to be jumpy and shoot an innocent person. Yeah, I might be reaching a little, but you get my point.

  2. Bump.

    I just downloaded Chrome and have to say I am really liking it. It is fast, simple and easy to use. The biggest concern I had was the bookmark quick links at the top, which Chrome has. I use those all the time. Each tab being independent of itself in case of a crash seems like a great idea as well. Oh, and it has an integrated spell checker with IE doesn't (that I know of?) It is nice to be able to post on OR and have it spell check as I type this. I think I am going to stick with Chrome unless something major comes up. :D

  3. Kinda goofy IMO, dont see how thats any easier to get it from down underneth your legs than it is to pull from your waistband. If getting it out of the waistband is to much just lay it on the pass seat or stick in between the seats instead of laying a towel with a pouch sewn in it on your seat

    Only problem with that is it is in violation of Ohio law. That "pouch" would probably be okay if it was covered with the flap, but INAL or LEO.

  4. Oh okay. Well the original article says "Watch that video, and (it's clear) she's doing it on purpose," Sgt. Bill Duffer said of surveillance camera footage from the range."

    That's why I got confused. But really, you only need a couple of feet for a paper target. Your line of fire is directly in front of you so you don't need much to either side. I have been to a few ranges in the army that were so tight you were practically laying on the guy next to you and getting his hot brass in your shirt collar. That makes you shoot well. :p

  5. http://www.seatcarry.com/

    The SeatCarry is a specialized holster system designed for in-vehicle carry of your trusted firearm.

    Carrying in your vehicle is a vital part of being safe and secure. Automobiles present special challenges for those that can legally carry a concealed firearm. Carrying concealed is great for feeling secure and prepared, but presents problems for concealability, storage, and control of the firearm.

    That is why we now have the SeatCarry. A convenient solution that mounts inside a vehicle to hide a pistol while providing quick and easy access.

    People without the SeatCarry accomplish in-vehicle carry by utilizing existing storage areas such as center consoles and glove boxes. Another method is keeping the firearm on your person with Inside the Waistband (IWB) holsters, shoulder holsters, and others. These areas are awkward, out of reach, and inconvenient.

    The SeatCarry. Specifically designed for easy and convenient in-vehicle concealed carry.


  6. My favorite range is my parents house in the country.

    Mine too, well not your parents but mine. :)

    I have to admit, right when we got to the range today, I sized up everyone there ASAP. Luckily it wasn't crowded.

    I'm not naive enough to think I can spot anyone and everyone who might be problematic, but I certainly try...

    I do that too, everywhere. If I go out to eat, whenever possible I sit facing the exit and with the best view of the room.

  7. firearms are a lot more expensive...

    this particular range didn't allow shotguns. Is that common?

    home defense is my primary purpose. fending off the neighbors when the dollar collapses is my secondary purpose. cheap enough ammo that I can stock up for said collapse of the dollar is also something i'm considering :p

    Get a shotgun first then. After that, get you a nice 40 or 45

  8. Since everyone seems to be bored around here.... Are you an OVER or UNDER with the TP????????

    We are OVER at our house! Oh' date=' and someone please make a poll here in this thread, I still don't know how to do that!

    Here's the official Cottonelle Poll... [url']http://www.cottonellerollpoll.com/


    Go up to thread tools in the top right hand corner of you thread box, click add poll.

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