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Posts posted by chevysoldier


    Confirmed Mission

    PFC Neolyn Cooper, 82

    Enon, Ohio

    US Army WWII Era Veteran


    Adkins Funeral Home

    7055 Dayton Springfield Road

    Enon, Ohio 45323

    24 January2010@1700hrs-2000hrs-(5:00-8:00PM)


    Adkins Funeral Home

    24 January 2010@1530hrs-(3:30PM)

    Family will be arriving @ 1600hrs-(4:00PM)


    Adkins Funeral Home:

    25 January 2010@1000hrs-(10:00AM)


    Adkins Funeral Home

    25 January 2010@0830hrs-(8:30AM)

    Family arriving @0900hrs-(9:00AM)


    Enon Cemetery

    Following the Services

    District #7 Ride Captain Ron Johnson is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect, please follow his instructions. Remember your 3x5 American Flags and dress per the weather conditions. In the event of inclement weather please us your own judgment on how you get safely to the mission.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  2. All the other months in schools who are the HIStory books revolving around?

    Another FYI: White kids go to historically black colleges all the time.

    Most of the black colleges were set up to give blacks in this country a chance at a higher education, which the white schools wouldn't give.

    The history of the country/world? I fail to see your point on the history books. Go start a White History Month, and market it as such. NCAAP will be all over your ass.

    Main Entry: rac·ism

    Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\

    Function: noun

    Date: 1933

    1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

    rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

    It is racist to have a "black only" college. So what? I don't see what is so terrible about racism' date=' except when one race is denied rights because of it. I see nothing wrong with a "black only" college. Just as I see nothing wrong with a "white only" basketball team. (well, besides the whole boring factor)[/quote']

    I agree with you. I don't give a crap if there is a white only bball team or a black only college. But for the pot to call the kettle black...

  3. There are black only teams, black only colleges, black history month, hispanic only scholarships, and on and on and on. But a white only team is racist? Give me a break. You couldn't have a white only college. That would be racist. But a black only college is okay. Why is one was totally wrong, but the other way is okay?? People are ignorant.

  4. It REALLY pisses me off...when people don't put phone numbers in their ads. I have to fucking email you...and then wait for a response. Or...possibly never get one. Due to whatever reason. And...if they don't have pics, it makes it even worse. :nono:

    If it doesn't have pics, 99.9% of the time, I won't mess with it. Although I never post my number, I don't want everyone and their mother to have it.


    Confirmed Mission

    Cpl Ben Joseph Modie

    West Liberty, Ohio

    USMC Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom


    Littleton & Rue Funeral Home

    5591 U.S Hwy 68

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357-9535

    23 January 2010@1100hrs-(11:00am)


    Littleton & Rue Funeral Home

    23 January 2010@0930hrs-(9:30am)


    Mac-O-Chee Cemetery

    West Liberty, Ohio

    Following the Services

    District # 5 Captain John Perry is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect, please follow his instructions. Please remember to bring your 3x5 American Flags and dress per the weather conditions. In the event of inclement weather please use your own judgment on how you get safely to the mission.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  6. I have been to that one in MI on my way to the racetrack. Cabela's website shows a location in Wheeling, WV. There was a nice used Kimber Crimson for 1K.....

    Yeah, I have been to the one in Wheeling a couple of times. It's like a grown man's Toy R Us. Bought my pistol lockbox for my car there.

  7. my guess this is a bike they use for DARE and fair's and such. Kind of like what they do with re-po'ed Camaro's and H2's and such.

    I doubt they are actually sitting on 75, with a radar gun waiting to clock someone.

    I may be wrong though, I don't even know where these places are.



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