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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. You're right using a clean needle is no where near safer than using one previously used by someone with HIV.

    Sorry but if they are dumb enough to shoot up in the first place, I really don't care if they are dumb enough to get HIV off a used needle. How about something to this effect: If you don't shoot up with a used needle you have a 100% chance of not getting HIV by transmission of said needle. Also see: If you practice abstinence you have a 100% chance of not getting/getting a girl pregnant.

    Sorry hadn't had my caffeine yet. :o

    I don't know I have mixed feelings. Usually educating someone is the first step. If you can at least get 'clean use' into their heads than i think treating the root problem (heroine use) probably becomes easier without the distractions. You also limit the risk of transfer of nasty stuff to non-users they may be involved with.

    Distractions of what? Getting HIV from a used needle? If you imlant the idea of "safely" shooting up, when you tell them they need to get clean, they will say "Why? I'm being safe in how I shoot up." It will come to the point that they will think what they are doing is safe and okay by societies standards, which by the article is okay by our standards. :nono:

  2. Here's my complaint.... the establishment clause is pretty clear.... putting G-d on money is nearly as clear a violation.

    All personal beliefs aside, do YOU believe this is NOT a violation of establishment? Regardless of what you think is RIGHT or WRONG or what represents this country or the founders of this country. Do you believe the 2 quotes above are in contradiction?

    I see your point. My understanding is that "God" is not referring to one certain god but the idea of a higher being.

    When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
  3. I'd have to see some actual figures to justify the program' date=' but I don't like it. If people exercised responsibility these users wouldn't pose any kind of threat. Plus, what's better than a dead heroin addict? A city filled with dead heroin addicts. ;)[/quote']


    This reminds me of the news story about the burglar who was robbing this house and he fell through the roof and broke his leg. He then turned around and sued the owner of the house. Maybe we should put out thousands of fliers about safe burglary habits?

    Ah, the good ole US of A. Where you can be raped and be charged for giving your attacker HIV.

  4. Why not have a pamphlet on suicide. They are gonna do it so might as well help to pick the right way to cut or right place to shoot. "Test fire the gun to make sure it works." I mean c'mon. This is ridiculus. If you cannot see how bad of an idea this is, you need to pull the wool off your eyes. I think if someone is dumb enough to do this, why make it easier/safer for them to do it? Natural Selection always wins in the end.

  5. Just throwing this out there, I have never been on a stop going to/from deployment, either overseas or states side, or getting ready to go on mission the USO hasn't been there to give out food, drinks, hygiene kits and the works. Having a group of them to welcome you home, to hug you and shake your hand and not even know you is...well, I have no words.

    But puppies are cute too. :D And children need help too, not trying to sound like an a-hole and forget them.

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