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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yah, for what you get a hybrid is just not worth it... I love the commercial where the guy talks about his hands not smelling gas. When was the last time you filled up gas and thought "man I wish they had a convenient way to pump gas without getting it all over!"

    lol I havent seen that one. They are coming out with the nascar style fillers. just stick in and pump ;)

  2. Whatever you do, don't by a sticking hybrid. They are not worth it in the long run. Battery cost 7 grand, lasts about 5-7 years. Most warranties are 5 I think. And plus they are not cost effective original cost vs mpg

  3. And the Zoo is fun for the adult kids, too! WE need a trip out there sometime, I didn't even think of it though!

    My diversion from riding today was the fiasco of trying to get the wifes broken cell phone taken care of. I'm thinking I need to use it for target practice after this!

    First store was an hour waiting our turn, just to find out they can't do anything there, we had to go to Easton. Ugh. The good thing is that once we got into their queue, it was only a few minutes. Explained what the issue was (stuck camera button) they said come back in an hour. From there the guy says we have to order a new one, ship it here, or your billing address? Really, I wish they had let me do that over the phone last night, but NO, then I wouldn't get to see all the new ones, and give them the opportunity to make more money.


    eh, the Cols zoo just doesnt excite me much anymore. I grew up there as a kid and was there all the time. Did all those zoo programs. My dad worked there and still does, so usually when I go it is for something special.

  4. So I felt guilty that the family was going to the zoo and I was once again going riding. So an early morning text message to blow off my riding buddy starts my day. I then load up my three excited kids and head to the zoo. I have a decent age gap from 4, 7, and 12 years of age and am still amazed that the damn kids spent more time looking at stupid shit and not the fuggin animals! Step after anxious step to each animals area only to watch them run over and push stupid lighted buttons on the wall or look at posters on the wall. NICE huh.

    "Hey Son, look at the gorilla he is beating his chest right in front of us!"

    "Dad can we go pet the goats now?"

    "WTF you can see damn goats anywhere this is a friggin GORILLA!"

    "Hey look dad, a bird just ate the bread that was on the ground"

    ARHHHHHHHHH I should have went riding today!

    But It was a nice day out at the zoo.

    Spending time with the kids while they are young. You'll prob always have a bike. Your kids are only young once.

  5. ohhhhhh... hmm.. either wayz... *keeps looking*

    My wife and I had driven an HHR before we bought the trailblazer. It was actually very functional and a pretty nice ride. Don't know if you'd be intersted in one though.

  6. well now if this is a question of whether I'd rather ride a bike, or drive a formula 1 car...fawk I'll take a formula 1 car.

    But if it is ride a kickass bike, or some mustang...pshhht BIKE.

    lol, funny you say that. The other day I just had a forth gen mustang think he could beat me. He saw me coming up, punched the gas. I was like, ok Im game. He stayed in front due to no passing zones and other cars. Then he passed the last car and I flew past him as he got over. I shoulda looked at his face as I passed him. lol

    Bike over mustang any day :D

  7. you don't like that? I'm in favor of push button and center console.... but point taken ... I figured if there was 10000 available there had to be a good reason.

    No I don't mean push button. The ignition switch is in the center console. Insert key, turn to start, let turn back to run. I just feel its really akward and in the way.

  8. so 63% of people injured were wearing a helmet? i guess a large majority of unhelmeted riders would be deceased therefore accounting for a smaller percentage of injuries?

    But then if there were less people riding without helmets, and therefore less injuries/deaths of those without helmets, wouldn't the % of people involved WITH helemts increase? It would make that number look worse right? Look at it like this. EVERYONE wears a helmet. Therefore 100% of all motorcycle deaths where wearing helmets. From this data we can come to the conclusion helmets cause more deaths. Just throwing that out there for shits and giggles.

  9. saabs are expensive to repair. look elsewhere

    That and every one I have seen come into the shop have been real beaters. Seems like everything goes wrong on them. And do they STILL put the ignition in the center console on the new ones? Oh that drives me insane.

  10. thanks guys..i read about on here, but its different when it hits home. still very hard swallow, and a little bitter. talked to his older brother a little while ago and hes taking it hard. hes a little pissed off and wants to know why he would do something stupid like that. i guess we will never know why. once again i appreciate the support. as time goes by i think its getting harder and harder. i guess i dont want it to be "real".

    Best thing you can do is accept it and come to peace with it. Nothing you can do will bring him back so not accepting it will just make you miserable for a very long time. Not saying don't morn him, just don't dwell on it forever.

  11. lol, sounds like a good idea!

    That's what I did when I bought my truck. The woman told me she got a certain percentage, I forget what exactly she said. She told me about stuff she knew when I asked and if she didn't know, she said so and that she could find out for me. I totally believed she was being pretty honest with me. She's didn't push to buy it or anything. We later referred a friend to the same dealer and she tried the same moves with another sales lady. The woman was like, oh no we don't get commisions here. And came up with whatever she could for questions about the car. I think our friend ended up buying the car through our orginal saleswoman in the end. Although I will NEVER go to another car dealer again. My next car will be through the auto auctions. It's too easy to get a really good deal.

    What's wrong with Saab 9-3s? I see a ton of them in the 14-17k price range... 2.0 turbo...
    Saabs suck ass.
  12. I see this in your future.




    Sam, you crack me up. :lol:This thread cracks me up. But like whoever said it, all bikes are different, get a feel for it slowly and you should be okay. I don't even really want to wheelie. I mean why? To show off? I did one once after I had the bike a little while. Went on a backroad where there was no traffic, right off the start I hit WOT and got it up maybe a foot. Sat it back down and said now I know how hard I can throttle it.

  13. I usually end up riding with my left hand on the side of the engine, or lay it behind the the radiator. The warm air coming thru it will keep my hand warm. And for some reason it is only my left hand that get seriously cold. My right one stays okay. Beacuse of using the throttle it gets worked some?? :dunno:

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