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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Probably that you're working on a demerit system, that worries people... also I'm still not exactly sure what constitutes "annoying" the mods

    If they PM you and say you are annoying the shit out of me, you'd better stop. I doubt anyone will give you a demerit without a warning first. Prob the only stuff that will get you one right off the bat, is stuff that is so obvious you know you shouldn't do it. If you wouldn't say it to your grandma, (except whoever called her a cunt in another thread) don't say it.

  2. Doesn't seem all that different. Most of it is common sense anyways.

    but "Excessive Attention Whoring - 1pts" Whoever gets the attention whore award is walking a fine line then. :)

    eh, it's all too easy. If you want to get into a online pissing match, do it on yahoo messenger.

  3. If you have a holster for it I'll gladly carry it around for you and let you know how it is :)

    My XD is a 9mm but they make a 40 the exact same size... 45s are hard because the mag size... either way, SOME firearm is better than none.

    I'm sure you would, but I'll pass on that. :D

    I had researched the XD and liked what I read, but when I actually held it I didn't like the way it felt in my hand. Didn't fit me right. The M&P came with a rubber grib cover that fits me nicely. Also came with night sights and 3 mags. I got a good deal quite a bit under MSRP and current store prices.

  4. I've seen that girl around on her scooter! I think I might have skeered her one day (on my lowly 250 at that) by "following" her. She just happened to be going down the road that the shop is on, which passes by my house. She was riding pretty fast even!

    Yeah that's where I've past her too.

  5. I know when I was first looking at buying a bike from a dealer, I had talked them into throwing in a decent helmet, gloves and I think a jacket. I don't know if you guys do this or not, but it'd be a really good idea for new riders to get this deal so they will more likely to be wearing gear if it was thrown in with the bike. BTW, I didn't buy the bike due to financial reasons.

  6. funny you say that..... there is a lady in town that rides a pink scooter and has a pink little helmet. every now and then you will see her with her daughter onboard with here pink helmet. its kinda cute :lol:

    And now that you mention THAT, earlier this summer I kept seeing some girl on a pink scooter with a pink helmet. It a teenage kid, doubt she travels between Johnstown and Coshocton. :lol:

  7. Hey guys' date=' guess what I found, yep, the Scooter Posse pass............

    HAHA I thought there were more than six. That was pretty funny coming up on them.

    :lol: what is the chances of coming up on six scooters :lol:

    And on those roads. It's not like they were in town going to yoga classes.

  8. THEY JUST TOOK THE SONGS OFF!!! GRRRRR... I hate youtube sometimes. This is the video with NO audio, they took ALL audio off or it. I had 3 songs on there and now you cant even hear the beautiful sounds of a bike. Grrrr...

    From youtube:


    This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled. More about copyright

    Basically :bigfinger:

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