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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I have been through a catagory 2 hurricane...

    YOU GET THE HELL OUT OF ITS WAY. This post is ridiculous, 10 days before it hit, they told everyone what the effects would be..

    Have you ever been to New Orleans? The city floods after heavy thunderstorms, the city is a bathtub. Blaming the Bush admin for this is ridiculous...

    If i lived there I would always have supplies at the ready (MRE's, water, boards, nails etc) Not running around at the last minute. Also the state must ask for assistance. The president can't just send troops in. The Govenor must ask for help. This is why for when Gustav hit, practically every NG unit was there. They learned from Katrina and wanted all the help they could get. So many troops went that many of them didn't have a thing to do.

    Like the line in "Man of the Year" and I know this isn't word for word-

    "Diapers and politicans should be chaged frequently and for the same reason"

  2. I just talked to Doyle and he said more to come soon, this was just the part he had completed by the time he sent the e-mail out.


    Looking forward to it. This kind of stuff should be put in the newspapers all over the country so all the dipshits out there can undertand (somewhat) what others go through so they can enjoy the rights they have.


    It is the Soldier, not the minister

    Who has given us freedom of religion.

    It is the Soldier, not the reporter

    Who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the Soldier, not the poet

    Who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer

    Who has given us freedom to protest.

    It is the Soldier, not the lawyer

    Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

    It is the Soldier, not the politician

    Who has given us the right to vote.

    It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,

    Who serves beneath the flag,

    And whose coffin is draped by the flag,

    Who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    ©Copyright 1970, 2005 by Charles M. Province

  3. So, you'd literally 'pepper' your game?

    That might not look good in court if you forget to put your home defense rounds back in when the intruder breaks in and the official coroner report is the perp died of garlic through the heart.

    HAHA Nice

  4. Yes, I too want to know the outcome. And he's right about mortars. The sound of them coming in is hell. I pray he and all his men come home safe. Tell him I (if not most/all of OR) support them and pray for them.

    What unit is he with?Let us know when he's finally home. He sounds like one hell of a good commander-"The thought of having to deal with the death of another one of my men scares me more than my own. The fear drives me to fury. “FUCK ME; I AM SICK OF THIS SHIT!” "

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Awsome? What's so awsome about guys in t-shirts, shorts and no helmet busting between cars at 70+ mph when half the drivers are imigrants who don't even have a license or a clue how to drive? Lane splitting is undefined in Ohio according to the AMA. It is supposedly kept this way so that officers have the ability to determine if it is being done dangerously and with disreguard for safety. In so much as traffic is at a stand still, supposedly a rider could ride between the cars at 5-10 mph to seek an exit ramp. I doubt any officer will cut you slack for busting between cars doing 55mph because you wanna do 85mph.:rolleyes:

    Not that it is legal, but I will lane split if a situation becomes unsafe. Nothing like being stuck behind a driver who won't pass in the left lane and creates a line of frustrated cages gunning for top pole possition cutting eachother off and making dangerous lane changes. In that situation I have been known to make a run for the open road instead of remaining trapped in the I-70 version of death match 2000! :D

    There is no reference to lane splitting but there is a law "lanes and lines" i think is what its called. Anyway, it says one vehicle per lane at a time, other than 2 motorcycles being able to ride side by side. So if you lane split your are taking up part of their lane and if you are riding down the center line, you aren't in a lane technically. Not saying I havent done this (don't mean doing 120mph down 270) but you have to be careful. Cagers here in Ohio aren't used to bikes doing this and can freak out making it more dangerous than just following them for awhile doing 45 as much as that may suck.

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